Opinion on Opinions.

in #thehive6 years ago

The Hive

Howdy folks'.

Let's climb this mountain a word at a time. The topic of opinion may not actually get discussed in this post. The new word of the week is Opinions for the dropintheocean show in the Buddy Up server. One thing for sure is I have an opinion about everything, regardless if I know everything or not. You could be of the opinion I should not have an opinion as something does not concern me. I shake your hand for that one, it's good to think for yourself.

This post can go off in all kinds of directions or I should mention series of posts. Attempting to write a post a day now about opinion for the week. Walked myself into this personal challenge opening my mouth as that would be one big post. (Irish humour getting me into trouble). @Penderis suggested breaking it into daily posts, it could last me all week then.

This post is going to need a disclaimer. Everything I write in this post is 100% my own opinion and not that of the community I am part of The Hive. It is also 100% of what I believe, I don't believe, and can all be changed in a future time for some reason that I have not foreseen yet. Your opinion might at a future time sway my opinion to an alternative opinion to the opinion I had previously held.
So not to bore you we will skip all the blah blah blah in this disclaimer and jump to the end.
By the end of this series. The expected result will be that you have different opinions to my opinions and some opinions that are different to mine.

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I don't think there is a news channel you can tune to that does not give an opinion on a topic. The art of investigative journalism is challenged at every corner of the industry. The message broadcast is that opinion of those who control it. Drama is displayed to us,facts can be ignored. In many the cases the facts may be hidden to avoid bad publicity for an entity. Hushed up, hidden from view, brushed under the carpet, not for the public eye.
Where a information media is only providing 50% of the information. Which attacks its opponent or defends its own view and does not provide full content. This to me is blatant lying, disguising what is, to appear as something else. We are being provided with an opinion. This opinion is put out there as the truth. With no regard for facts.

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While working in the print industry, Jimmy Dean, his real name was Steven. I don't think he would mind his name being mentioned here. He might even like the fame. On a few occasion he has said to me. "There's a right way to do things and a wrong way to do things" "How do you always manage to find another way?".

To me I did not see the wrong way, I was new to the job, asked to do something I did what was asked. The procedures set as standard were not shown to me. Assumptions of knowledge seem to be rampant in the print industry. Or maybe I took somebody's brothers job. Based on what I did know, a bit of watch and learn I got offered an apprenticeship. This was not liked by many of the others. In my opinion it was a good thing. Looking back, I should of got a good thing in a different area.

The point is no matter what I write here it is my opinion. You do not have to agree with it. You can be of a totally different opinion. It's my opinion, I am entitled to it as you are to yours. Over the next few days if you have an alternative opinion to mine. Please share it in the comments. Maybe you will sway mine.

I was also lucky to have a pyjama party with some girls ;)

I will write about that in one of the posts.

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I have been told that I am opinionated at times. I don't believe it. That is my final opinion.

You Sarge?? I've never noticed....

"There's a right way to do things and a wrong way to do things" "How do you always manage to find another way?". I love that! It's very you but I agree with you about news outlets...but that's just my opinion. I look forward to hearing about that pj party...LOL!!

I once read a tutorial where the guy said he won't show us the wrong ways to illustrate his example because you are new you don't know it is a wrong way yet and just knowing it is the wrong way will affect the approach taken.

mmmm where was I before I was so rudely interrupted

But alas I am very guilty of having a right way and a not my way of doing things, it is my frame for most problems. I might be a bit lackluster in shifting that opinion and I do call it an opinion since there are 9 ways to skin a cat all I am interested in is the fastest way or best way according to whichever parameters I am of the opinion matter.

Sometimes opinions get muddled even if based on fact the method of explaining the fact is then your opinion in the best approach. Yeah sure we can break it all down into its parts but more than would just be for the sake of debate if you notice someone doing that then I am of the opinion to shut them up, if you have something to do in a short time from then because this shit can get hairy :)

As for the News and anything that the masses look towards, kill them all and don't stop until the next anchor comes in and delivers the fact, seems like we could have a nice betting table gone is the next anchor gonna get shot or give us the news, also will this news broadcast ever end.

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