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RE: The Hive. Quick update post on some thoughts

in #thehive6 years ago

It will be nice when vote values start to be a bit more steady. Mine went to $0.042, then back to $0.032 and has been pretty much fluctuating at those levels depending on the day. Progress may be a bit slow, but still 1 SP and 1 SBD a week, is pretty good growth for the SP level of the account.

A person you and all our members and anyone reading this need to look at is @dustbunny, I will warn everyone right now though if you try to game his generosity, he will ban/blacklist you from ever participating in his generosity. So if you are someone that routinely votes at a small percentage you will likely be asked about your vote habits.

@dustbunny, works kind of like @dustsweeper, but is all free and completely out of his pocket, RC and SP, pockets. Here is the post to read Gearing up to Fluff Up more Dust - Will You Help me Grow?"> He explains what he is doing.

He is protecting your outgoing and incoming votes. What does this mean? You read a comment, you really like what the person had to say in that comment, you vote on the comment even though you know your vote will be dusted away by steemit, because you wanted them to know not only via your words but your actions you really appreciated what they had to say.

Same thing on a new user account, you looked and read and commented, and voted, but the person is so new he gets no payouts. Even with 5 votes and 5 comments all new users, no payout, the post is below the dust level. @dustbunny will fix it and make it right.

So you think your 100% upvote is useless on new users content with no payout, visit the above link learn if you are a real person interested in helping yourself and others to grow on steemit. You will be pleasantly surprised.


thanks a lot for the shout-out! I think you've described @dustbunny's mission even better than I have!

You read a comment, you really like what the person had to say in that comment, you vote on the comment even though you know your vote will be dusted away by steemit, because you wanted them to know not only via your words but your actions you really appreciated what they had to say.

That's really exactly what the bunny is trying to encourage. To help plankton, red-fish and small minnows give and receive the appreciation that was sent through their votes, which might otherwise be swept under the rug by the dust-limits.

In contrast to @dustsweeper the bunny not only protects it's "client's" (picture me heavily air-quoting that word) rewards, but especially also their outgoing votes. I would still recommend anyone to invest in the additional @dustsweeper protection for their own rewards. The bunny is funded through donations and voluntary delegations, it aims to provide a basically free dust-protection-service, but it might eventually run into capacity issues as more user are being onboarded.

At the moment, though, there's plenty of excess capacity thanks to the more than generous donation given by @justtryme90 from the #steemSTEM crew, so I sincerely want to encourage anyone with genuine intentions to head over there and say "Hi" to get put on the bunny's watchlist.

I sometimes, (not as much lately), fight my way through the introduceyourself tag, #steemsteem and crew is one I always recommend to new users that had an interest in the sciences. suesa and greenrun are great people and members of them. I have never met justtryme90 so going to have a look at them and the over there link.

heh... you've already been "over there" :)

that was more of an invitation for others who might stumble over this comment thread and want to get on the bunny's list.

If you want to recommend anyone else specifically to get dust-protection, just let me know, the bunny could still do with some more dust ;)

P.S. I actually don't know JTM at all myself, it was @mathowl who sent him the link to the dustbunny and he must have just really liked the idea... he didn't ask for anything and just out of the blue supported the mission with that chunky delegation, certainly a generous and noble gesture and that by itself definitely speaks for him...

Yes it does, and speaks of your generosity also in starting this all up out of your own pocket. I am certainly happy my wife found your cute little bunny and googlyeyes site. (@shasta).

I'm happy you, or your wife for that matter, stumbled over it and I'm having all the fun being able do something for the wider community here...

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