Showing my full support for #thegreencandle Project!!!!
#thegreencandle is what I want! We are the cool guys! The sharks will sell but we can be stronger! Let's create that first community weekly green candle.
Sorry for this short post (I wrote this from the mobile phone) but I will elaborate in my next post!
I think this is important for all my followers! Look at that Poloniex chart! We need one big green candle for our motivation. Please join #thegreencandle Project!
Let's start this community movement!
Short posts get read; so you need a catchy baity title. Then a post just like this, if this post was over twice as many words I would not have read it.
If i want to read an encyclopedia then I will grab a book. My posts never get read simply because they are all words and way to long. In the future everything will be under 99 words . . .
People work hard and have limited recreational time to all the things in life they want. So short posts get read and maybe even followed : )
/ hugz ; )
I agree fully, you could of even shortened the comment too!
Yes, I publish a blog post about how to understand Steemit is like college. It takes years of study and hard work to get good at writing and presenting, like learning a college major.
Today I am publishing about writing briefly. Simply I could have practiced writing briefer on my post above : )
/ hugz ; )
Lol :)
/ hugz ; )