How steemit has changed my luck.

in #thegoodnews6 years ago

Ok so I've never been very lucky before. I mean I never won any raffles, contests, draws, you name it, I ain't winning shit from it. But ever since I started up on steemit my luck has changed.

I win shit now, a lot.


In this post as part of #thegoodnews tag I'm gonna focus on the last 3 contests I've won. 2 on steemit and 1 on twitter but the host of that twitter contest is a fellow steemian so I'm giving it half credit lol

1 of 3: a t shirt from redbubble. It was random choice. But I was random chosen and I picked out a steemit themed t shirt design.


I chose this one. Thanks again @ura-soul


2 of 3: I won my first cryptokitty. I made a compelling comment that earned me a free cryptokitty to start off my collection


Here's what I won thanks to @blockchainnation.


3 of 3: I won $50 of bitcoin for having the best picture of cats. I had a old picture of my cats all dressed up for Xmas. Bout time these cats start paying me back lol.


Here's the picture that won


Here's the bitcoin I received much thanks to @an0nkn0wledge for his generous contest.


The last contest I entered was the tinfoilraps hosted by @v4vapid. Now technically I didn't win that contest, but I got an honourable mention plus a hefty upvote on my entry by Vapid.

Now I don't know about the other contestants, but I feel like that was a win regardless. I had fun, people liked my Entry and I earned a decent amount on the post. Fucks yeah!


Or VenomnymouS..whatever.

Also I'd like to share a bit more good news. I've surpassed 300 followers on steemit which is more followers than I have on twitter and fb combined. Kind of a cool milestone for myself. Pats on the back are in order.


Anyways that's it for good news.. for now.

Thanks for reading. Check out my latest post. I talk about cool retro shit I liked as a kid.

Venomnymous takes the #iwasakid challenge!

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That is some badass luck! Congrats :) Keep up the momentum....maybe this is the beginning of a new norm!!

Thank you! No worries, I ain't' stopping for nothing. This is my destiny lol.

Ohhh! Iove this!! 💖
That cat picture though is greeeeat 🎄all of this is awesome!! So fun!
Congratulations 🎈 luv the good news 😁

Haha thank you! it took a lot of work to snap a photo of all our cats looking at the camera. Most of the time one jumps off, a costume falls off or two cats are swatting at each other....worth it lol

I can ONLY imagine! But, you nailed it!!! And, won a contest!! Who knew!!? That crypto kitty to though! So fun ❤ just awesomesauce everywhere!!

I know right! I mean we took that photo sooo long ago! LoL

Awe yea it is!!!

let's hope this post will give you some more luck

You so deserve all the victory!! <3 <3 Steem has changed my luck exponentially too!!! We belong here!! It's a definite sign!!! <3 <3 <3 Thank you for being such a consistently awesome Steemian V!

Thanks lyndsay! We definitely are where we are needed. The (steemit) luck is raining like diamonds and there's enough of it for everyone who seeks it.

Hey your support throughout this journey has made all the difference. So thank you!

Hey @venomnymous keep at it, you're doing a great job engaging on all fronts on and off-chain. You're probably the most active user in the 'truth/poli/conspiro' Discord keeping it 100. Atta'boy, hard work and consistency pays off, for realz.

sending you an extra pat on the back, preppy ;)

Sheeeit thanks brotha! I appreciate the recognition and extra pat!
I felt that pat for realz lol

Great stuff my friend and may your luck continue for it's very well deserved!! We need more people like yourself, people that are prepared to stand up for what they believe and not give a shit what the general consensus has to say! Respect to you @venomnymous and I'm glad to have (virtually) met you on this long and winding road we're all on. Onwards and upwards for you dude!!

Ah thanks buddy. It's been pleasure having made your (virtual) acquaintance as well. And you can bet that VenomnymouS ain't stopping or slowing down for nothing. We got this!

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