The Good News: We Don't Waste

in #thegoodnews6 years ago

We Don't Waste ( is an organization here in Denver that collects food from big venues, like sports arenas and the convention center, that would otherwise be thrown away after events, and distributes it to shelters and food banks. And they collect a lot of it.

According to the article at: ...We Don't Waste rescued almost 4,000 tons of food last year!

From the article: "The volume it moves is staggering. In 2017, We Don’t Waste provided nearly 30 million servings — the equivalent of 10 million meals — to food banks, homeless shelters and other recipient partners who serve the hungry in Colorado. It also partner [sic] with Nation to Nation, a Loveland ministry that transports food and clothing to the Lakota Sioux at the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, which has the lowest per capita income in the U.S."

image from the Denver Post article linked above

According to their website (first link), they deliver to over 75 agencies for free, and they focus on fresh foods - items sorely lacking in most food banks (I say this having received food from food banks and volunteering at one, too).

image from WDW's website

Again from The Denver Post article: "We Don’t Waste typically gets more than 4,000 servings just from the luxury suites after every Broncos game — wings, barbecue chicken and pork, pork tenderloin, even prime rib. We Don’t Waste volunteers sweep the suites after a game, recovering leftovers and storing them in a refrigerated cooler at the stadium overnight for pick-up the next day.

'The agencies we deliver to get excited when the Broncos play, because they know in a couple of days, they’re going to have excellent prime food,' Preblud said. 'Not that the other product isn’t good, but it’s special for them.'

Then, a couple of days after a game, We Don’t Waste crews swing by the stadium again to pick up hot dogs, hamburgers, sausages and other leftover food from the concession stands that has been frozen for pick-up. There are similar arrangements with the Pepsi Center and Coors Field."

40% of food in the US is wasted. Think of all those animals killed for meat in the above examples, that wouldn't even get eaten otherwise. I imagine it would make more of an impact simply to make sure none of that is wasted, than in trying to convince people to go veg and getting a handful maybe to try it, wouldn't you? 4,000 servings from ONE GAME just from the luxury boxes! I read an interesting statistic recently that something like 25% of Americans account for 80% of its meat consumption, I think it was. I wonder how much of that is really WASTE, and not consumed at all!

Check out We Don't Waste on Facebook here:

I adore initiatives like this. Food waste is such an evil in the world when there are so many hungry people (and slaughtered animals, and wasted resources, and methane produced in landfills)! WDW is making a huge dent in this problem. Learning about this org truly gave me hope!

Thanks for reading!

That Red Fish your momma always warned you about

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Throw it up Denver.. Leading the way.. again

There are so many good folks in Denver doing awesome stuff, I just wish we weren't all being gentrified out! 😡😥

Awesome @phoenixwren!
Hopefully soon there will be more of this... Yesterday I had lunch with a dear friend in this bakery where all cakes and food is in display. She picked up this cake and took it all the way to the till to ask if was gluten free... She ended up not buying the cake and the waitress just binned it because of health and safety rules, even though the cake was rapped up in paper and was no direct contact, the waitress had to bin it because my friend carried the cake from the display to the till!
We were shocked, I worked in hospitality in the past and in most of the restaurants the rules is to bin all food that is not sold, employees are not allow to take any home! I find this insane.. Really pleased and happy to see that there is great projects out there changing the food waste issue.. can't wait to see it at a bigger scale.. Thank you so much for sharing such great news blessings☀

Yup! I have worked in food service in the past, and while I understand most of the health and safety rules, they should at least let people take it home if they want! They think it will lead to "intentional spoilage," that is, "thieving," but y'all if your workers are hungry then they are not earning enough to feed themselves!

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