Giving Back - Volunteering To Help Homeless Veterans Build And Live Off The Grid

in #thegoodnews7 years ago


Greetings Steemians!

I wanted to share with you all what my family and I have been doing the past couple weekends. We have been volunteering our time and have donated gravel, a trailer, and will be doing as much as we can for a Non -Profit called Veterans Off Grid.

It was started by a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, Ryan Timmermans, and the goal is to give troubled and homeless Vets a chance to have a place of their own. With veteran volunteers along with civilians like myself and my family, we hope to not only house these good men and women, but also do it in a way that is sustainable by using techniques from the Earthship community and improving upon them.

Two of my kids working inside an Earthship to redo a faulty gray water system in the greenhouse section

We are not only working to help these Vets, but are also learning a lot of methods in sustainable living and building that we can put into practice on our own homestead, and my children are getting a chance to see other ways of living instead of the wasteful ways human beings live.

Working on getting dirt out of tires and restacking the used tires according to size so they can be used to build future Earthship and a new tire bail design for comparison.

In this image is the Earthship along with two Yurts and a shed that was already present on the first 50 acres that Ryan purchased for Veterans Off Grid.

Ryan also has another 20 acres at another close by location. Both of the flagship locations are in the Carson New Mexico area, about 11 miles from my homestead.

This is Ryan, the guy who started the project. I have already told Ryan about Steemit and will be showing him the ropes and getting him started ASAP. So, be looking for him very soon!

If interested in volunteering, or donating to this then here is the website!



participate in concern and continue the spirit

Thank you :)

This is a great initiative! You're helping out people who have served the country, but more than that you're helping them serve our entire planet by getting involved with an off grid lifestyle. Kudos to you, this is fantastic news.

Thank you :)

This is amazing! Not only do you learn great things, but you are doing great things for our veterans!!! Great job dude!

Thanks @rockchickjen!
I'm really happy to be doing it and have found a great friend and fellow tribe member in Ryan :)

This is an excellent project! I have seen 2 feature length documentaries on solutions for vets that were similar. I was tech director for the Cinema Verde Environmental Film Festival and one year a doc was about male vets gathering to work on there own organic farm. Nature and gardening can be wonderful healers. The next year we had a doc about female vets doing the same thing. Organic farms run by vets is one of the solutions to help them in so many ways. Thanks for your work!

You're welcome!
Yeah I love getting away in nature myself. Gardening and me have not been getting along these last few years, so I'm hoping to learn and develop new skills with that.

What an incredible initiative.

I have often wondered why a charity doesn't buy up land and build a community of tiny homes but this goes one step further building off grid.

Our world needs more of this :)

Wonder how willing your kids are? My Son would have moaned throughout! :(

Be well.


I agree, the world needs to stop acting like spoiled brats.

Speaking of spoiled brats, my kids don't moan too awful much but we've been living off the grid ourselves close to a year now. That has been and continues to be an issue with them in and of itself. People get used to automatic, but don't realize how precarious automatic is. The electric grid in the US is outdated and very vulnerable to being taken down by outside forces or just collapsing. It can be nerve wracking at times, but it's a more realistic way of living. I'd much rather have to do a little extra work than pay around 300 USD a month average in electrical cost, and having no bills is pretty awesome.

Thank you!

I am so happy you are helping the homeless veterans in off grid housing. It is a shame that our government allows these heroes to be homeless. Thanks for stepping up to the plate and doing something about this shit. Blessings.

Thanks man!
It really is a shame. No matter what we think about the reasons these people are sent off to war, they do not deserve the treatment they get from the government, nor the idiots who do not understand and look down their noses based on some diluted point of view about life. Before I moved out here I lived nearby a VA hospital in Biloxi MS and I can't tell you the countless homeless Vets that were sick and dying that lived on the beach. I even had to put gas in an old guys vehicle so that he and his wife could get to the hospital. It's just one of those things that gets to me deep down that ain't right.

Thank you Brother!! this is amazing, I am happy to see how you and your family doing these great works and helping homeless vets and poor people!
and thanks to Ryan for his kind heart!
peace to you!!

I'd like to further thank @davidfar for donating to this cause by giving me 8SBD to give to Ryan. If anyone else wants to donate in SBD I would rather you wait and give it to him when he gets his Steemit account. Rest assured that 8 SBD will be given to him.

I'm glad about this brother, I hope other people will help too :)

Thanks Davood!
All these guys can do is pick up the pieces left by the abuses of governments and doing it in such a way that's good for the Earth is icing on the cake IMHO

your update is alwaseuseful usfull ,I always follow your post and update.nice see your post.realy good job.

Thank you!

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