The goodnews Gazette (4) how MY Mother gets to take a walk to the market after 3 years of being sick with stroke.

in #thegoodnews7 years ago


A piece of good news at times is all people needs to keep going in life, despite the negativities that keeps flying in the everyday life, in some cases we hear anout the death of loved ones, we hear about broken marriages, disoriented people and all, and it seems life has lost its beautiful essence.
In some other cases people in some places have really come to accept terrible events and happening as something very usual.

However the sound of a good news certainly is a beautiful​ thing and thanks to @hendrixx I've seriously had time to reflect on events happening and in my life and see the good news in there.

My mother in 2014 became hypertensive in 2014, and as a result of this became sick with stroke which rendered her immovable, incoherent, and partially unconscious of the environment and people around, and also paralysing her limbs and legs.
The fact that I was her first son made it my responsibility to stay in hospital with her for nearly three months,after she was let out of hospital, we were told she will still be unable to walk for s period of time the doctor couldn't acertain,
It was quite a hectic process after a yesterday she still could not walk and I gave up all hope that she could ever walk or make use of her limbs.

Having stayed away from school for a long time, it was time I left her to continue my studies.

As a result of this, we had to send her to our town where she would stay with my grandmother not coming back to the capital city again.

It was really a painful scenario but I had to go back to school, and all hopes if my mother ever Walking faded forever when it became exactly two years in our town with my grandmother and yet she still couldn't walk.


I was really doing a few things yesterday when I got a call from my uncle in our town telling me that my mother started walking a few days ago, and that same yesterday, she took a walk to the local town market which was 10 kilometres ahead, without her being aided by anyone or anything. And actually bought a few things with the money I had sent to her.

It was really something I didn't know was a reality, I mean all hopes have been lost years ago about the possibility of her ever Walking or taking a walk, and going places too.

It's the biggest goodnews I've heard in a long time, life gave us an impression that she'd be confined to e wheel chair, but however I've been rummaging through my life and this is exactly the biggest goodnews I've gotten in a pretty long time.

I'm so elated​ and thankful to @hendrixx for this chance given to tell good news and a special thanks also to lyndsaybowes for also being in support of of the goodnews series, I'm so glad, elated and happy for this.

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This really is happy news! It must make you so happy and grateful that she can walk again after so long at time.

Yes it did make me happy really I was overjoyed and thrilled

Nice story
I'm really happy for you.

Wow. Awesome news

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