
in #thegoodnews7 years ago

This was the sweetest thing I have seen in a long time, so I wanted to share this true connection with you all. I'm sure that all dog lovers out there can appreciate this and also anyone who has a compassionate bone in their body. This bond is real, and it goes to show just how much us humans thrive on connection and need it in our lives. It is also a wonderful example of how much our animal friends can assist us on this path if we are open to their assistance.


"He loves me unconditionally. I count my blessings every day."

This story is also a prime example of the notion that the opposite of addiction is connection. This man was addicted to drugs and quit so that he could help his dog get off the drugs. All of a sudden he had a purpose in life, and that purpose was to take care of this little friend who loved him unconditionally. In doing so, he was able to live his life, get clean, and recover from suicidal tendencies. My heart just melts to see this. There is no judgement with animals. Humans tend to make judgments and assumptions very quickly, especially about homeless people on the streets, but animals do not see these perceived "faults," and they love us anyways.

We can truly learn a lot from animals, as they have much to teach us about unconditional love and acceptance. We are so happy for this man and his little animal friend and hope they enjoy their time together.

Thanks to @hendrix22 for creating the category for good news, we need it!

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i really love dogs but have not been opportune to get one, i have seen relationships of dogs with there owners... i wish to have one sometime in future

If you really want one, it will happen!

The unconditional love that you mentioned sounds like God's love for us. Everyone of us needs a purpose in life and we can be living each day without a purpose like a living corpse. Thanks for sharing about the importance of relationship to find meaning in life!

Thanks for taking the time to view this.

Beautiful story, Bri... I'd be lost without my canine mate for sure - he's my anchor... It very much is a most beautiful and divine connection. A quote I'm quite fond of that is quite pertinent to your post is; "Be the person your dog believes that you are." Thanks for sharing this, brother!

Be the person your dog thinks you are? That about says it all!
Now I've got some work to do.....on myself.
Thanks Brother👍

Buen relato. Me encantó, amado @brimax.

Tuve un perrito hace mucho tiempo... Mi mejor amigo hasta que tuvo que partir. Si existe un cielo para mascotas, estoy seguro que allí está.
Me gustó esta publicación muchísimo.

Eso es triste hermano. Se siente bien que compartió un poco de tiempo de calidad, incluso si parece corto.

Just simply exquisite!! I loved this and I'm glad you shared it here! xo

Glad you like this one!
By the way....batten down the hatches!!!!!!!

How are you coping at the homestead?? We're battened down here but frankly, getting a little stir crazy!! LoL - at least we've had no power outages so far, so all's well - and as long as there is tea, I'm happy - I've tea and wonderful dark chocolate, so life is good!! Hope to see you two soon!! Whenever that might be! xo

Pretty much the same scenario here. After tomorrow the weather is supposed to give us a break and we can get back to jammin!

Seeing Bailey carrying his bag of food around is pretty cute, but the story of this man's revival thanks to Bailey's love is what having a dog is all about.

Well said.
It is amazing what another entity can do for us in unexpected ways.
Dogs rule 😊

So true! This little girl helped get me through a lot of tough times when I was dealing with chemo.


You Brother are a fighter and She's a real cutie!

This is so a perfect good to follow you for more. Interesting post.

Thank you

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