Simple Changes With Radical Results

in #thegame8 years ago (edited)

The funny thing about focus, it shuts down other avenues of thought.

With everything coming up over the last few days I have picked out a few and wanted to present some thoughts on the problems, and offer my solutions.

The Site Isn't Inviting

As it stands right now, it's kind of like going to the library. There's something you gotta get from it, but shhhhhh.

The posts are looking better all the time, but it's being delivered in a sterile environment. It's feels impersonal.... devoid.

I think the most effective changes we can make at this point, as eyes start to swivel our way, are to the interface.

Unless your going to just tell me my settings are whack and noone else sees it like this, let's use the real estate here!

Unfortunately I don't design (yet), but move the tags or the post order or something down the left side in banner categories.

In The Post

The post themselves look great, I am really seeing a lot of great stuff. Let's invite people to let them know. If we make it simple then it's more likely to happen.
With the slider introduced at 100SP, let's make it a badge!

Simplified Comfortable Voting.

100SP Achievement

It invites participation. We don't need every option from 1-100, make half stars a thing and it's pretty much a 1-10 vote.

Have the comment window open and waiting for them, and when they hit post, have it go back to their feed.

It makes it easy to respond which means a lot to most. Plus,It becomes a neat new power your account gained.

Of Course I'm Gonna Mention TheGame

We lost @andrarchy today, some evil bastard took him from us LIVE on a pre-recorded YouTube clip. I kinda feel that we all need to step up a touch, in honor.

Oh, not find him or anything (not yet), just have a little fun ;).

Here Is My Challenge

I have already thought about these front end achievements a little. We have the first one with the voting change...
our 500SP achievement, our silhouette changes to our steemd robot avatar.

What do you think could come after that? I want to hear from you... I want your ideas. More than that, I want your skills and expertise!

Wether you write up your ideas, make a mock up display or are willing and able to be a part of helping with code needed for implementation. I suggest this last as our developers are busy with the foundation, maybe this is something we can take on, and fund, ourselves.

All SBD rewards from this post will be used in the pursuit of this, and none for @andrarchy's ransom, if there is one. Wether it is used to reward the ideas or pay for development of the fruit of those ideas....
Let me know that to ;)

Roll The Credits!:

Oh hell, if you want to try and help save @andrarchy's life or whatever you can support the guy who has him I guess.


Thing about the stars right now is that slider represents how much money and power a voter wants to give you. It is this feature which freed up the whales to vote on simple things and not award $1000+ every time they voted. So to keep from awarding crazy money for simple things we would see a lot of single star votes with big rewards. I am not against the star idea. I prefer it to a downvote actually. I am an avid disliker of down votes. I do believe we need to be able to report plagiarism, spam, and abuse but I consider those things different from a down vote.

The star idea IS an appealing one and does work great at all these shopping sites that have tons of content flooding them. We will have more content flooding here than they do if things progress as expected.

It's a thought. Biggest thing is the site feels so sterile or clinical. Star may not be the way to go..... It invites a response though and that is what we should look at. Granted.... One star voted where you love the material but want to hedge your bet, maybe not the best. The slider is confusing to anyone who doesn't do a bunch of research though

It does feel that way and it does not scale to take advantage of real estate. My primary monitor is a 43" 4K TV... instead of reading on it I am almost always staring at a much smaller side monitor. The 4K TV with this site is mostly a wall of white with tons of unused space and some text down the center. It is in beta so I do expect it to get better, though it cannot do so without feedback. Posts like yours are feedback IF it is seen by the people that matter or can bring it to a person that can do something with it.

People using 4K monitors and/or TVs is going to increase.... IMAGES like this will become more common:

You could show me 3 feeds at the same time on this monitor.

Yeah.... It just feels hard to get noticed at all. I am growing followers, but all I am really inspired to do is post about what I think could be fun and/or improve the site..... Not viewed as content and as a result overlooked. Think I need to break for awhile.... Just read/comment/vote. Sucks sharing and not feeling your seen/heard.

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