The position of Fuck you
This position comes when you have enough money and financial security to not care what others think or do to you while also gaining the power to say “fuck you” to anyone without caring about repercussions…
You could say it to your boss because you could care less if you loose your job.
Fuck it… its just money I don’t need and all this wasted time at a desk making others money.
The “Fuck You” position is something everyone aspires to achieve in life, some make it but most don’t.
John Goodman explains it better in the movie “the gambler”.
Here is a clip, enjoy.
If anyone here is in the position of “fuck you” please share how you got there and how it feels…
Thank you for reading and feel free to comment
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Yeah, I've often heard it referred to as "Fuck you money"
He was awesome ! ! !
Typically I'm not a fan of Goodman but he was great in this movie.
I hope to see him in other good roles before he gets too old to act
Have you seen Goodman in "Red State" and / or "10 Cloverfield Lane"? His turns in both those flicks were great, imho.
I keep seeing 10cloverfield on demand, i think ill watch it tonight, thanks for the heads up
Sure thing! It is not everyone's cup of tea, but he does a great job acting in it.
Hope you enjoy. Cheers!
Well i just got done watching 10cloverfield lane and that was a weird movie... the ending was badass, and definetly unexpected. But i agree, another good acting job by Goodman...
Now your making me check out "red state" lol. Its 10degrees outside, so good night for a movie...
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