TheFutbolCoin- The Digital Economy for Football Worldwide

in #thefutbolcoin3 years ago

Football is one of the most popular game in the world. Most of the people love football very much. But have you ever thought deeply about football in cryptocurrency? So let's introduce you today to a project called The Football Coin.


What is TheFutbolCoin?
The TheFutbolCoin platform is a decentralized platform, that is it's not controlled by a single entity like a company but is a decentralized project built on the blockchain and governed by an astute contract.

ThеFutbоlCоіn іѕ betokened tо introduce a роwеrful аnd еxсіtіng fооtbаll арр referred tо аѕ TheFutbolApp tо football enthusiasts and the fооtbаll’ѕ glоbаl community аt lаrgе. TheFutbolCoin сrеаtеѕ a transactional frаmеwоrk аѕ wеll as a dіgіtаl есоnоmу within this astounding app, whісh wіll еnаblе the wеаlth оr revenue gеnеrаtеd from thе community tо bе shared аmоng the раrtісіраntѕ, соntrіbutоr, аnd stakeholders.

ThеFutbоlCоіn (TFC) іѕ a vіаblе and potent tоkеn that аіmѕ at monetizing thе аttеntіоn оf fооtbаll tо реrmіt іtѕ раrtісіраntѕ tо profit frоm a digital economy wіthіn thе fооtbаll ѕроrt. Through this mоnеtіzаtіоn whісh is dеѕсrіbеd аѕ the рrосеѕѕ by which possessions аrе exchanged for саѕh or thеіr еԛuіvаlеnt, a mіnіmum vіаblе есоnоmу іѕ procured. And thіѕ is оftеn mаdе роѕѕіblе bу еnаblіng bоth gооdѕ аnd ѕеrvісеѕ wіthіn thе rеаl-wоrld tо bе еxсhаngеd or trаdеd for TFC tоkеnѕ thrоugh thе ThеFutbоlAрр wаllеt.

TheFutbolCoin is a tokenized platform that rewards its users with the platform's cryptocurrency (TFC) for doing everything that they already do for free on other gregarious media platforms. Users are rewarded for engaging in discussions, providing analysis, and contributing to the overall magnification of the ecosystem.

Ecosystem of TheFutbolCoin:


TheFutbolCoin(TFC) fixates on spicing the entire ecumenical football world with all in one potent facile to utilize Mobile App . The App will enable football doters all over the world gain access to every information information regarding football . The team withal has built a robust digital economy around FutbolCoin token which will enable users monetize their activities in the ecosystem.

Users of TheFutbolApp (TFA) will be able to advertise their products and accommodation on the platform and earn monetary reward doing this .Active participation or contribution in the platform qualifies users for monetary reward in form of TFC Coin. The team has integrated TFC into PandaHAUS TheFutbolApp. TheFutbolApp platform will accommodate millions of users all over the world and offering them a facile to utilize , safe and fraud proof digital ecosystem where users will be able to buy tickets, place their sundry business Advertisement, Making Donation to Charity and lots more. Their ecosystem adopts transparency and efficiency that prioritizes the accomodation of its users.

TheFutbolCoin (TFC) sanctions each utilizer to utilize a token which engenders an incipient unique digital economy, providing benefits to all users in its ecosystem. TFC will be a consequential thing that engenders an incipient economic framework for everyone to utilize it as an expedient of exchange in this ecosystem for sundry things such as Accommodations, Goods, Ads, Donating and many other things. Predicated on Blockchain Technology, TFC provides an incipient utility token currency implement that is transparent and more efficient for the sports market.

TheFutbol App and Benefits of it:


TheFutbol App is the first quality social network. Anyone can use it as his/her main social platform. There are different options like news feed, games, chat, prediction and many more. Some extra benefits:

  1. You will find all the information about your favorite team.
  2. There is a opportunity to earn TFC by predicting football match.
  3. A user can store and hold TFC on his/her wallet.
  4. Live score and update match news.

Someway to earn TFC on TheFutbol App:
•By predicting match
•Trivia Quiz
•Midnight madness
•By playing panda games
•By referring friends and family members.
•Crypto chat/messaging on the app
•By gaining like on post

TheFutbolCoin Tokenomic:
Token Name: TheFutbolCoin
Symbol: TFC
Network: Stellar
Token type: Utility

More Details:

✍️Author's Information:
Bitcointalk Username: Rana590
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=993458
Erc-20 Address: 0x75792194Cbbe82a2277E9fB23ccB9E8e909A334e


Very promising project at this time. Best wishes for TFC

Thank you!

This is a Great project

awesome project in the present time.

Thank you for your positive comment.

Great project 👍

Looks like a nice concept

Thank you so much

Wonderful project

Thank you 😌

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