
Holly carp!!!! Just gave the mofo a full downvote...

Thank you! - so rude right?

Downright parasitic and idiotic - really bad business model!

Just found a few other users trying to get their work taken down from the page @crazy-daisy work has also been lifted.

I resteemed your post... this guy needs to get a nuclear flagging lolz

Here we go with this kind of garbage. Can't believe anyone would even try this trick here out of all places. This is why I have to sign everything even though it's time consuming (I really despise it). This is also the reason I back-up my work so can prove it's my work. I have been robbed out of thousands of dollars by unscrupulous internet thieves in the past.

Yeah so sad to see stuff like this. I just chanced on it because I spotted one of my posts. Then started looking around and saw the pattern. The person even had the nerve to use the upvote bots to upvote his work.

Yes, noticed that too. I got your back too old friend. I hate this stuff, I take seriously other's work as I do with my own.

Yeah they are back at it with the bots today...The flower photo came up on steemit before but I just can't place it and who it belongs to. I think it was someones avatar even.

Let us stay vigilant for one another
I would not have even known or have anyway to stop it without the community backing us as creators.

I hit em with 3 flags on his copy paste/plagiarism/theft crap. I don't take that stuff lightly.

Thank you! My vote is so weak right now I can't knock the posts down/hidden on some that I know are not his. I know one other user was having the same problem trying to get his photos down. So that really helps, thanks again.

I flagged everything on his page that wasnt greyed out already and posted his page in a chatroom for some others to have fun :)

Thanks so much - I see they are back at it today -_- People amaze me.

Went and got some flags up, I never flag but fuck that guy.

Yeah I know... I usually try to give warnings but this guys was blatantly taking shit and saying it is his/her work in the tittle. If he was just upping something without saying that, he would not of gotten my panties in such a twist soo.

I can imagine that guy going somewhere and asking "why is my rep down? help me"

LOL I feel like I just lived that story the other day. Guy asking about rep and he had just been doing the worst kind of spamming.

I think he started posting again... and I just don't understand... you'd think you would take a day to just digest your account going under. To be truthful I feel bad but on the other hand it is not just me he is doing this to...So what can I do? I hope the account holder attempts to go a different route but they are back at it again as of 3 hours ago. So fuckem... he clearly wants to burn it down. I have said my peace and will continue to monitor the account.


yeah. They haven't responded to a lot of peoples on that thread

Seems like a major racket but he's not too smart. He could just post free stock images and continue the spam upvoting without any complaints. (-‸ლ)

haha Not the wisest no.

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