The Man Cave Project, get brocoins through steemit.


We want to empower people with clarity and abundance mindset to get out and achieve whatever they can dream or think about. Our main goal here is to create an amazing network of men who empower each other.


is holding a bounty to steemit users, BROcoin prizes are given to steemit users according to their reputation. the higher the replication the more BROcoin they get

Rep 20+: 200 Bro
Rep 30+: 300 Bro
Rep 40+: 500 Bro
Rep 50+: 700 Bro
Rep 60+: 800 Bro
Rep 70+: 1000 Bro


Step by Step to get bounty

  1. visit this website The Man Cave Project
  2. then click join now
  3. after that, fill in some real data from you

the first fill in it is fill in your Easydex username

Note: You must have an Easydex account so that
The Man Cave Project can send BROcoin to your Easydex account
Create account here :

Next, fill in your steemit username

the third item tells you to post about The Man Cave Project in your steemit post, so the post you wrote in steemit you copy the URL and paste it in the third entry

4)DONE! , you will get BROcoin according to your steemit reputation

Thanks for reading my blog guys and Stay Awesome, see you on the next one :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.24
JST 0.034
BTC 97478.36
ETH 2739.56
SBD 0.43