Trump at 3 months

in #thedonald7 years ago (edited)

What is your opinion on the Presidency of Donald Trump so far? I'll state mine and then reply to comments.


  1. He basically single-handedly killed the TPP and thus preserved US sovereignty.
  2. He is starting the process to build the wall.
  3. He did not get sucked in to a (((neocon))) conflict in Syria and showed poise and judgment.
  4. He has continued to attack "fake news"
  5. He tricked Ryan into falling on his face over his health care bill.


  1. There has been effectively a Deep State takeover, with Flynn fired, CIA Pompeo recruited, Comey retained, and so on.
  2. Jeff Sessions and Steven Bannon have had their role minimized while Kushner and Cohn, both globalists, have been elevated.
  3. He has backtracked on many of his positions on investigating Clinton, China as a currency manipulator, friendly relations with Russia.

I have been wondering if it helps or hurts blockchain currency prices and if there will be a drop in price when the democrats are in office. Remitences are fairly big buisness and you would figure that storing dollars may seem risky if you have to leave.

iv been thinking the same thing

It could be that alot of it is chinese looking to escape. I would have some gold and silver to offset that.

Currency is like a drug;
if it becomes illegal, it's value will rise.

It has to have a purpose. I can use it as an s and h greenstamp but someone has to want the currency.

IMO the only good reasons to vote for Trump were:

  • military isolationism
  • anti-establishment rhetoric
  • he is not Hillary Clinton

Pretty much all bad 'till now: protectionism, muslim-ban, bombing, strengthening the military...

I like the 5-year lobbying ban but (correct me) it's just for executive, not Congress, so he's still not "draining the swamp".

And the anti-establishment was just propaganda if you look at his team.

Trump getting the Chinese to flip on North Korea was the most legendary thing to never be reported.

your absolutely right

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