BetterLife | The Diary Game : 23 March 2021 :steemCreated with Sketch.

in #thediarygame3 years ago

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Story starts with Destruction of Asguard and death of Heimdall and then Loki as Thanos gets the Power and Space Stone. Then Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf attacks the earth when we First See Tony’s new Nanotech suit. Then The Guardian of Galaxy meets Thor. Thor, Rocket And Groot Goes for Stormbreaker.

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In earth, Tony, Wong, Spidey and Strange stops Black Dwarf and Kills Ebony Maw when he captures Dr. Strange. Then they decide to fight Thanos at Titan, Where they meet Guardians of Galaxy! But Thanos had taken away Gamora after he gets Reality stone. He then kills Gamora for Soul stone. In Titan, He face Tony, Strange, Spider-Man, Star Lord, Drax, Mantis. And gets the Time Stone from Dr. Strange. In Earth, Black Panther and his force, Captain, Bucky, Black Widow and Scarlet Witch faces Proxima’s forrce. Where Vision is getting cured by Shuri. Then Thor, Rocket And Groot makes Their heroic entryand wins over the force! Later Thanos arrives to get the Mind stone from Vision. Wanda destroys Vision beforehand but Thanos had the Time stone now so he reverses the time and kills Vision and Gets it. But at last Thor attacks Thanos by Stormbreaker on his chest but doesn't die. He then snaps his fingers and destroys half of the universe. In That, Black Panther, Wanda, Spider-Man, Falcon, Bucky, Dr. Strange, Quill, Mantis and Drax extinct to Soul stone. But in that snap, Thanos’s gaunlet gets degraded. He goes away from Earth but leaves the rest of the Avengers in Sorrow to their Mates death!

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From the ages of past the Marvel movies had became very popular. In these Marvel series each and every character plays an important role and these movies are link up with each other by introducing new characters for Ultimate war.

According to MCU there are several movies upto now which are evergreen and became popular. While coming into Marvel main Characters like Captain America, Tony Stark as iron man, greenish monster Bruce as Hulk, thor as God of thunder and agent Romanoff as Black widow and others characters liike Spider-Man, Vision etc…

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One by one Increasing the heroes with the combination of everyone's mighty power to destroy aliens into pieces, our heroes are dressed up to defeat the gigantic destroyer THàños.

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‘THàños’ who has huge amount of army in the entire galaxy aimed to collect all the six infinity stones to wipe about half the universe. So to stop him from destroying half life of the galaxy, our heroes are suit up to stop this battle, the time is with ‘THàños’. He starts collecting the infinity stones one by one.

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In this movie ‘THàños’ came up with ‘power stone' and Attacks Asgard after that he had a fight with Hulk and Thor, finally Loki handover the space stone to ‘THàños’. When Loki handover the stone he defeat him with His hands then the servers of ‘THàños’ entered into earth for finding the time stone and mind stone, after a battle with Strange Thanos servers take away the strange in a spaceship to the outer space, then Tony and spidy take a move towards ship to save the strange from him and they think to land in Titan to finish ‘THàños’ on Planet Titan. Another two servers of Thanos had a battle with vision to gather his Stone by defeating Him, at This Fight Vision and hits life Partner Both are saved by Steve and Black widow. Finally all our heroes land at Wakanda and the Final Battle with ‘THàños’ along with his army stands here. After a severe death Cause and Strange fight finally ‘THàños’ Destroy half of the universe with his two Fingers just like That.


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