Cleaning to avoid Dengue | 13th Daily Diary 15/6/2020

Dengue fever is a never-ending problem in my country. If you believe, the number of dengue cases is 20786 from January while the number of corona cases is 1884. With the rainy season, the government conducts different awareness programs about dengue. Parallel to these programs, we also check whether our houses are free from dengue breeding sites. The Public Health Inspector visits house by house to check whether everything is clean. If there are any breeding sites, they advise or sometimes take court actions. Today evening I spent to looking for possible breeding sites in upper part of our land.

As a practice my parents never allowed us to put garbage here and there. With that practice, we bring our garbage home even we visit the public places. But I could find some cups which were carried by our dog or maybe next door dogs.

I collected all the cups into a bucket.

Then I ignited them. As we live in a village we have enough space to manage our garbage. In our house, we don't keep and garbage. We ignite them twice or thrice a week.

Following is the place where we dispose garbage and as you see there are no plastic or polythene remaining.

As well, I noticed some drains where remains water. So I repaired them using cement by allowing draining well.

I found that a flower pot and flower water bucket have filled water due to rain. So I kept them in a shed. Even though we don't do things intentionally, we have been also a party that helps dengue breeding. As I hadn't much time I focused only on upper part of the land and the remaining part will be done tomorrow.

Well, I started the story from the most valuable part for everyone. Let me tell you what I did in the morning. In the morning I had a lecture on Quality Assurance. It is my favorite one because the lecturer is young and his voice is very energetic.

After that, I took some photographs for an article in steemit. Then published the article.

At about 12.30 p.m I took lunch and joined for another lecture. It finished at about 2.45 p.m and after that, I started working on a coding assignment. Part of it was done yesterday and today I completed it.

At about 5.00 p.m I started cleaning for dengue which I described above. In the evening our uncle visited our house and he brought hoppers. We got hoppers with chicken curry for dinner.


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