A day as I wished, 2nd Daily Diary 31/05/2020

Today I woke up at about 5.30 a.m before my dog peeps into my room. So today I started works early. After getting cleaned as usual I drank a cup of milk while planning the day. Basically my target was to give more priory to academic stuff as I have some submissions tomorrow.

Planning day with a cup of milk

As usual, I swept the house and opened windows. As today was a curfew day, my father also stayed at home. So today I didn’t go to pick up durians as yesterday.

Starting works early

After breakfast, I started my assignment which was a special data analysis project. I decided on suitable analysis methods to apply to our scenario. During the work, I eat some rambutan fruits which were plucked by my brother. I love staying home because I can eat a lot at any time I want! I continued my work until 12.00 p.m.

Eating fruits while working, boost the enrgy

After lunch, I started studies back and continued until 2.30 p.m In the evening I learned about the Professional Ethics of Engineering which is very useful to behave well in the industry. After finishing my studies, I went to reply to some comments in Steemit unfortunately my resource credits have reduced. This was the first time I had this experience. So I spend a few minutes searching about Resource credits.

First experience on low resource credits

Then It was our playtime!!! I spent a few times playing with my dog. He is following me the whole day and he always wants to play even we can’t.

Petting my dog

Then I went to plant some papaya trees in which I already germinated using seeds. As they are strong enough to move to the ground, I took a few minutes for that. Papaya is a very popular fruit in Sri Lanka. But in my garden, there are no papaya trees to get fruits. The major reason is Monkeys! Monkeys eat young leaves of papaya trees, but I have no idea what is the benefit of eating papaya leaves for them.

Moving papaya plants to ground

Then I cleaned up myself. While walking outside I saw some little boys are playing kites on the road. As we live on top of a hill, we have enough wind. So I wanted to have a little cooperation with them and I can share some new things with Steemians as well.

Cooperating with little boys who played kites

During May – July we get high flow of wind than other months. So, most kids make kites. As the schools are closed due to pandemic there are many kites in the sky more than early years. Even young boys make kites these days. The boys were afraid to see me but they became friendly as I also acted as a kid. I returned back to home before it gets dark.

Kites in the sky

As Buddhists, we worship Lord Buddha by offering flowers and lighting a lamp every day. I thought to write about this in the diary as maybe it will be something new to readers. In our house, we usually do this every morning and evening. We offer some white flowers, a purified glass of water, an oil lamp, and a joss-stick. My mother does this in the morning and my brother or I do it in the evening. We make wishes some times. This activity helps to make spiritual energy and mental happiness.

Worshiping Lord Buddha

So after a successful day, I took the dinner at about 7.00 p.m as I felt hungry early. We ate rice for all three meals. This food pattern is very common in Sri Lanka. After dinner, I started writing my daily diary.

As usual, I recorded my conclusion on the Daylio app.

Daylio record

This is my first entry for #thediarygame initiated by @steemitblog

I would like to invite @eii to join with #thediarygame


My Diary 02 shared in Twitter

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Hello @randulakoralage very nice diary post. By the way we also do have kites fly function you know it's some kind of festival in India that we celebrate by flying kites in the sky.. Have you tried flying one yourself? It's really fun even if you don't know how to fly it lol! And it happens at the same time here in the month of May June July because school and universities are closed in Indian at this time even if there is no pandemic.
You have sweet dog as well may i ask what breed dog it is? My neighborhood have German shepherd i play with him most of the time.

I wish you luck for the Daily diary game of#the100daysofsteem

Hi @rishabh99946 I have created kites but they never flew!!!! So I dragged them on the ground like snakes! It was also fun. But now I don't do that crazy stuff.

Do you like my dog? He is a normal dog. We adopted them from road and now he is growing very healthy and happy. Why don't you pet a dog? It's fun. Stay safe India!

Hey there @randulakoralage that's really nice I'm still young to do crazy stuff haha. Such as dragging kites on the ground like snakes haha.

Also i that's very kind of you that you have adopted a Normal from the road. Its fun to play with them the reason i don't have a pet dog is I'm kind of lazy to do stuff and all.. Lolz..
Stay safe!

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