THE DIARY GAME (Day 12, 13th august 2020) : weak health

in #thediarygame4 years ago

Hi, everyone

This is my 12th entry in #thediarygame tomorrow I was not able to post my diary game because of some reason.

This game is so popular among the people all people wrote thier diary game I also write this blog for steemit contest name #thediarygame.

Rahul here, morning was not good for me because I felt so tired and my body temperature was also raised so I little bit worry about .

After woke up in the morning at 7am I felt so tired today because from last to day I ate so much junk food especially samosa and chinese product that my health is got poor due to heavy rain in my locality ground walk is also not possible so just ate the things like junk food and not do exercise it leads to ill health because in junk food and very much oily food lots of oxidant oxygen reactive substances are formed which is very harmful to our cell and body. They can destroy our cell and protein and many things in our body if we do regular exercise antioxidant reagents are released which fight against oxidant and keep our body to work on optimum level.
After waking in the morning refreshed and then made a cup of coffee with low sugar made strong coffee after that from 9am to 11am study two chapter of Obstratics then took a small break of 30min in that ate my breakfast poha. After 30min I study again for 2 hours.

In afternoon I went for the playing carrom with my brother and my two friends we played 3 games of black and white my team won 2 times with 29-16 and one game as a 29-20 and one game we lost with 23-29 so close that but we could not win. But we played good game and enjoyed very much after that I came to my home ate my lunch dal chaval some salad and papad. Then sleep for 2hours from 4pm to 6pm.


In evening my friend brought milk me from Belapur then I took that after that made tea and tea with some snack spent evening.
After that from 6 .30pm to 7.20pm took lecture for 10th classes online this is for 50min only after taht I shoot my you tube video on the topic cell division in that video I told how cells divide and why cell division take place wgat are the cause? etc. After that edited my video
then post on the YouTube channel named rokket science
on this channel I upload only 10th standard syllabus for my students.
About 8pm my friend amit abhishek and me all three went for the some walking on the roads.

Did my dinner at 8.50pm so earlier today because food made by mother so early that's why I ate early then going dor the bed. And writing this blog for #thediarygame very popular game nowadays run by the steemit.

100% power up!!!!!!!

My team is @steemingindia01 and the announcement post here :- Team steemingindia01 - let’s get started everyone

Thanks @sumit10698 for recruiting me in this game and on steem.

Good night all of you hope you all ended your day with good memory. Sweat dreams😴💭😴💭😴💭😴💭


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