The Diary Game - September 22, 2020steemCreated with Sketch.

in #thediarygame4 years ago


Today I woke up at 7:30 am with just the idea of going out for a walk, but then I was told that a nearby kindergarten was being used for the processing of the new ID card, you know you have to go and they take your details, photograph and fingerprints. So I decided I would go through this today to get it out of the way. The new ID is obligatory no other document will be accepted for many transactions as soon as all have been processed and claimed. I guess this will be around June of next year.

I got to the place but there were a lot of people and I hadn't eaten anything so I went to a nearby diner and had a bite. Then I remembered I had left my old ID home so I came to get it and went back to the kinder, there were about 40 people ahead of me, I could have gone into the old guys line which moves much more quickly but I am actually 59, the line is for people 60 or older and I don't like lying so I kept to the normal line.

It did take me about one hour to get to the people who are working on the ID, after that it was just a five minute process at the most, everything is computerized so you don't even get ink on your fingers. I got my receipt and walked out of there, they were even giving out masks, I didn't take one because I have about a dozen at home and I figured someone else might need it more than I do.

I was through that process at eleven and came back home, I actually started playing a game on my phone and that took over an hour, I must be going crazy I can't even see the phone screen that good but it is a way to pass the day. I am just now getting up to date on what is going on in the world on my computer, it isn't even worth finding out, the main thing is crypto is still down.

Well now I am going to read, eat my supper read some more until I can fall asleep and hope tomorrow will be even better than today which thankfully was not a bad day at all.

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