in #thecryptodrive8 years ago (edited)



1- Keep calm and do not promote panic and negativity in media, troll boxes etc, be supportive of DAO and Ethereum.

2- Maintain market strength - do not sell out of Ethereum and DAO positions in panic selling.

3- All crypto tech stakeholders encouraged to purchase and hold 1USD of ETH and 1 USD of DAO to create buy-side demand and help to stimulate the market while all eyes are on DAO and ETH expecting a crash which will negatively affect all crypto currencies. A stabilised or growing market value will help protect the investments of the many affected and simultaneously maintain public interest of crypto's as an investment.

4- Engage on social media channels to find solutions to the problem at hand.

5- Contact DAOHub.org curators if you have professional, valuable input.

6- Help trace the hacker involved in this incident.

7- Share and re-post this video to spread the message.

8- Support the ads on this video, all fiat advertisement earnings will be converted to ETH and DAO to further bolster the markets. Ad revenue results will be publicly published, with a future link in this post.

9- Exchanges can help re-stimulate the market by eliminating or reducing trade fees for DAO.

The Story so far...

This day the 17th June 2016, the freedoms and ideals of the crypto community were compromised by a sophisticated hack on "The DAO"; the largest crowdfund reported to date on Wikipedia; having amassed nearly 150 Million USD in the crowd sale.

The DAO crowd sale was a "feather in the cap" of the entire crypto community, showing the world the power and mass appeal of crypto currencies and blockchain technology, thereby accelerating public adoption.

In 2016 major crypto currencies have seen a dramatic rise in value and global acceptance. Blockchain technology is on the brink of mass acceptance and mainstream stature.

Today an exploitative hacker stands to undermine all of the traction gained by the crypto community this year. Much like the Mt Gox. scandal, this act of violation against the DAO can easily hinder public adoption of blockchain technology and set back the growth, value and development of all crypto currencies and technologies indefinitely.

We as a united community, across all crypto currencies and crypto tech must stand together in solidarity with DAO and Ethereum.

Follow the calls to action listed above and make a positive difference.

Donate DAO or ETH for this awareness campaign:

DAO: 0x651aA4021E913Eb2b15Ccf32D96DdDcCb7815fEd
ETH: 0x38863507DB07CB7Db30ae801d27A9c95DBD40429

Help fellow soliders, ETH and DAO win the battle and continue to drive all crypto currencies into the future!

You can make a difference as a decentralised collective.

Over and out.


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/c/Thecryptodriveshow
Website: http://www.thecryptodrive.com
Telegram: http://telegram.me/thecryptodrive
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheCryptoDrive (note CAPS)
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@thecryptodrive


I understand a hard fork is a controversial move, however in my opinion the alternative of the hacker getting away with one third of the DAO funds is untenable. Fork antagonists purport that forking can create a precedent for centralised change rather than letting the ecosystem evolve, however not forking and allowing such theft is turning a blind eye to crime and creating a precedent that the crypto community is a haven for criminal action, which is one of the objections governments
have about crypto currencies.

If the hacker returns the funds or if another solution is found then a fork will not be necessary. For now however it is the only option on the table other than allowing criminal actions with no repercussions.

I have just become am cognisant of the fact that a fork could hurt the exchanges, I'm not entirely sure how as yet, but we need to explore all options. All viewpoints have to be put forward so good decisions can be made.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 68703.91
ETH 2503.79
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.54