My life in the arts

in #theater3 years ago

Being a 30-year-old boy, who's been in the artistic business for 25 years (no this is not a typo), this last year has been horrible. I've never actually known how much I loved my life until it changed on the 8th of March 2020. Not being able to perform, not being able to display my talent has proven harder than (sometimes) doubting my talent and the quality of the performances I miss so much.
However, we cannot allow ourselves to be dragged down by this inconvenience. On the contrary. We should be grateful for this pandemic. There will be some who realise this business is not the right path for them, but they who are really chosen for this life by Destiny, God, Allah or whatever greater force you believe in, will emerge tougher and more convinced of their calling than ever before.


Why don't you do video projects? You can even do them live.

Thank you for your feedback. I will most definitely consider them. What type of video content would you suggest? Fictional acting work or more non-fiction, for example, about my life backstage?

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