The Art Activity Centre!!


Hi everyone, I am entering a new piece of artwork into “ The Art Activity Centres,” Art Gallery. This Centre is created and hosted by @deemarshall. Thank you Dee for allowing us artists to have another place for our artwork to be displayed, just to give our artwork more exposure. Like you said, more exposure, leads to more followers, upvotes, and income. So I urge all of you artists out there, to take advantage of this great opportunity to show your work to more people, why wouldn’t you? So here is my piece titled “ The Lion And The Lamb “ Of course this symbolizes God the Father and Jesus Christ the son. Others have drawn pictures similar to this one, but this is my own take on it. It was all created with my iPad Procreate App, using different tools unique to the App, mainly airbrush. Bless your all, and I pray you will enjoy this picture ❣️

And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying:
“Blessing and honor and glory and power
Be to Him who sits on the throne,
And to the Lamb, forever and ever!” Revelation 5:13




@lildebbiecakes “ The Lion And The Lamb “ ,this you have created very nicely.I loved your work.hope you create more fantastic pictures in future and you get still more exposure.

How nice a comment @rohit786 your very kind, I post artwork in this gallery often, thank you very muc friend for your support ❣️

Thank you for sharing this great piece!

Blessings Dee, time for bed, up way to late for this night owl❣️

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