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RE: Why I Joined #thealliance - Wait, What?

in #thealliance6 years ago

@enginewitty - Awesome to read about the birth of #thealliance. I stumbled on to the #thealliance purely by chance - while browsing one of the posts. I could feel the aura of an alliance of talented individuals when I browsed a little more of the member's post. I did not even imagine myself to be worthy of rubbing shoulders with such an august group. However, I did think that, as a rookie, if I somehow could get involved, I could learn a few things. I made a request via a comment and voila - people swooped in, scrutinized my posts - said I could join. Stunning fast response.
I had mostly forged on alone till then on Steemit - a lone wolf (no - I do not have an identity crisis. I am still a Lion but this phrase fits better - that's all. LOL). I found a 'family' on Steemit. I am not a very chatty person in general so you do not find me much on discord (except occasionally - when I am sick of the real world and need to connect with my virtual family). I am impressed with the connect our members have and I truly hope I will form stronger bonds.
I must also say that I found my Lion Avatar because I wanted to do a cool Avatar for my #thealliance discord logo. It has become somewhat a trademark now - the Lion awoke because of #thealliance.

Truly thankful to @enginewitty. @michaeldavid and all the wornderful alliance members for being my family.

I have been out of circulation for last 2-3 days because I am unwell so have not seen all the posts about #thealliance. Trying to catchup. Should I be writing a post? (or have I already done so here - LOL)


Your friendly neighbourhood Lion from #thealliance


Fills me with great pride hearing you say that brosef. (he he - lion pun) Love that you're comfortable and feel like you've found your place. Exactly what I want is for people to discover themselves and realize their true potential. You've come a long way and are still on the beginning stretch of this marathon. Keep it up man. Oh, and hope you get to feeling better soon, loving all those intriguing posts!

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