
Our primary role is to run distributed servers worldwide that capture, process, validate and store the blocks of information from sites like this one to the block chain - a giant database, more or less, in laymans terms, or a ledger if you will, of all things steem that happen per user or account.

Our secondary role is to decide on block chain code change proposals via consensus. We also run price feeds to average our parameter choices into consensus on token prices, interest rates, bias, and other parameters affecting the price and performance of steem. like registration min SP investment per account and such.

Our tertiary and subjective role is to ensure the future of the platform via contributions of technical or social or financial nature via projects, communities, software contributions and investments in holdings, or growth or acceleration of user adoption, etc etc etc

And stuff, we do a lot of stuff.

Enjoyed your wonderful way with words. LOL! :-)

You had me at flush:

Flush Flush, flush the crap

Sounds way above my pay grade. I have no idea what any of that meant but it sounds important. Thanks for doing what ya'll do to make this Steem machine keep chugging along so I can spend my weekend posting toilet humor blogs.

Users like you are the reason I believe in decentralized flushing :P Be well :)

ha ha, flushhhh, if it comes back up...flush again!

Lather, Rinse, Repeat...

@sircork can you answer this, @atsdavid
just first two that popped in my head

also, question ....who puts pictures of deceased loved ones up on here and in the same post talk /push for their "initiative" to become a witness?

Better question, why is it wrong to? Clearly he misses her, and I'm sure she was proud of her son.

Not Exactly a "dumb question"
Just think of them as "Augmented Miners"
These are the Proof of Work People.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 61825.46
ETH 2454.71
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.60