Mangosteen, Have You Tried These Goodies? // Unggah Tentang Buah Manggis Aaaaah

Hi guys!

Hope this finds you well :)

Am taking a break from rolling the camera in making cooking videos for dTube. I am not quite sure that I would keep making them as apparently some friends still cannot view/play dTube and feel left-out as I did not type the recipes, sorry! I did that on purpose, for you to view the videos ;-) Guess it's back to blogging and sharing tons of pictures again. What do you think? Were you able to view the 4 cooking videos I posted? Were they good enough? Should I keep making dTube cooking videos? Let me know :)

My husband had a day trip to Vancouver (11 hours by car from where we live) and brought home 2 bags of mangosteen. I wonder if you know these tropical fruits?

Mangosteen are native to Indonesia (well Sunda Islands, as in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, and now East Timor). They are very juicy and very sweet. One of my favorite fruits since I was a child again.

Unfortunately they are not that easily available in Canada. Only at big cities where there are Chinatown, then you can sometime find them, and even so, often these imported fruits are already too dry :-/ As you can see here, the flesh are not bright white as they are too ripe already (getting too dry).

Mangosteen is rich in nutrients and in Indonesia we believe this fruit has tons of health benefits that could slow down the growth of cancerous cells, but since they are not that known in North America, there aren't many western scientific back-up to this claim.

Beside the flesh, where usually one would just eat them as is, puree them into juice, add them into jelly, Indonesians also use the skin (when it's still bright purple) to make juice/sirup.

If you spot them in the market, give them a try. So good!

Hai teman!

Semoga sehat semua yak!

Tempo hari suamiku pas gi main-main ke Vancouver, kota besar di provinsi British Columbia, yang jauhnya kira-kira 11 jam naik mobil wkwkwkw. Capek deh.

Pulang-pulang dia bawain 2 bungkus manggis. Asiiiikkkkk

Sayangnya namanya juga barang impor dari negara jauh, barang yang tadinya segar atau bahkan masih hijau dan ga matang, misalnya pisang gitu, sampai di Kanada dah jadi super matang dan kematangan bahkan. Begitu pula nih manggis. Dah mulai mengering hahahaha

Bersukur aja lah. Mau pulkam masih belum bisa hahahah

Kalian suka manggis juga ga?

Di Kalimantan Timur susaaaaah nemu manggis. Dulu kalau main ke Kalimantan Selatan ke rumah si mbah, baru nemu deh. Padahal aku sukaaaaa banget sama manggis, tapi yah itu dia, kudu main-main ke Kal-Sel dulu baru bisa nemu, dan itu setidaknya 22 jam naik bis hahahah

Oia, ngomong-ngomong, kemarin-kemarin kan aku mulai unggah video masak-masak tuh, karena diaku dTube dah bisa lancar. Di kalian lancar ga? Bisa nonton videonya? Teman-temanku ada yang ga bisa lihat dTube, jadi protes deh karena aku mulai ga mencanangkan resep di blog hahaha, maaf! Kalau kalian ga bisa lihat video, kasih tau aku yah, mungkin aku ga bakalan bikin video lagi? Dan kalau kalian kemarin bisa nonton tuh video-video, bagaimana menurut kalian, apa sudah bagus atau? Di tunggu saran-sarannya. Meski maksud hati hanya ingin unggah video masak-masak mulai saat ini, tapi kalau pada ga bisa nonton, yah ga seru kan. Balik deh ke blogging lagi hahaha

Buat yang sudah memakai tagar #nusantara, terimakasih, aku sudah bisa berbagi upvote-an lagi deh. Buat yang belum dan mau sedikit upvote dariku, silahkan pakai juga. Aku senang berbagi upvote selagi online.

Oke deh segini dulu, waktunya untuk memBABU wkwkwk - namanya juga emak-emak yak, kerjaan rumah ga selesai, online mulu di Steemit hahahah

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howdy there @thekitchenfairy! hey I've heard of these but don't remember ever seeing one but I hope I will sometime and if I do I will be sure to get some thanks to your post!

Dtube and Dlive are both fickle for me. Somedays they work other days, no. I do enjoy your posts and I love the recipes and photos.

Kangen banget buah kesukaan ini. Di sini gak ada 😓.

Btw tag nusantara ada syarat khususnya gak? Gk lihat posnya

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Saya juga suka buah manggis, pernah ngidam buah manggis juga, tapi saya ngga bisa pilih mana manggis yg bagus dan mana manggis yg busuk ...

oh my awesome! I have heard of Mangosteens but have never tried them. I love trying new fruits!! Gotta try one sometime. :)

An interesting post @thekitchenfairy I've seen this fruit before but didn't know much about it. This one, like so many other natural food products obviously has some wonderful health benefits.

It is good to change the topic,your d tube videos are good I like and watch,you should make videos,
but it should be seldom or after some time,some people don,t view the videos because the video take time to view ,the fruit is nice . Good to read that it slows down cancerous cell.

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