Si quieres probar la miel... - If you want to eat the honey...

in #thealliance5 years ago

Por @latino.romano

El oso miraba furioso hacia la rama alta del árbol, tenía claro su objetivo, degustar la dulce miel del panal de abejas.

Escaló rápidamente por el tronco, y comenzó a golpear el panal lo más fuerte que pudo. Pronto las abejas salieron en defensa de su hogar y picaron al oso todo lo que pudieron. Apenas podía hundir su garra en el apetitoso jarabe, las feroces obreras se ensañaron con sus ojos.

El oso cayó estrepitosamente en el suelo, sin poder probar la dulce miel. Las abejas lo siguieron con intención de seguir atacándolo. A duras penas se pudo poner en pie y salir corriendo. Pero no por esto lo dejaron en paz, siguieron tras él por muchos metros mientras huía.

Ya su rostro estaba deforme, hinchado por tantos aguijonazos. El fiero oso era vencido por unos pequeños insectos. Le dieron literalmente una paliza por querer probar bocado. Se cumplió así aquel refrán de sabios que muy pocos aplican y olvidan muchos osados:

”Si quieres probar la miel, no trates a golpes a la colmena”.Que fácil es olvidar esta máxima de vida y creernos osos poderosos que podemos tomar lo que nos plazca. Que error es pretender lograr vivir en tranquilidad y paz con otros vociferando improperios y amenazando con imponer nuestro criterio. Que error es creer que esto no nos afectará para nada.

El oso no pudo probar la miel, en cambio, por su arrogancia, recibió muchas picadas.


Esta invitación es solo para 100 personas, no pierdas la tuya:


By @latino.romano

The bear looked furiously towards the high branch of the tree, he had a clear objective, to taste the sweet honey from the honeycomb.

He quickly climbed up the trunk, and began to strike the comb as hard as he could. Soon the bees came out in defense of their home and stung the bear as much as they could. As soon as she could sink her claw into the tasty syrup, the ferocious workers raged with their eyes.

The bear fell noisily to the ground, unable to taste the sweet honey. The bees followed him with the intention of continuing to attack him. He could hardly stand up and run away. But this did not leave him alone, they followed him for many meters as he fled.

His face was already deformed, swollen by so many stings. The fierce bear was defeated by small insects. He was literally beaten for wanting to eat. Thus was fulfilled that saying of wise men that very few apply and forget many daring ones:

"If you want to taste honey, don't beat the hive.
How easy it is to forget this maxim of life and believe ourselves to be powerful bears that we can take what we please. What a mistake it is to pretend to live in tranquility and peace with others shouting insults and threatening to impose our criteria. What a mistake it is to believe that this will not affect us at all.

The bear could not taste the honey, but because of his arrogance, he received many bites.



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