Do you need that netflix or prime account?

in #thealliance5 years ago

Netflix and Amazon Prime. Never heard of twenty years before and do not know if it will still exist twenty years hence.

Increased competition in the entertainment industry is actually beneficial to the customer. The people of India were paying high rates for slow internet until Jio came to the scene. Nowadays, all service providers in the telecom industry are vying with each other to provide high-speed internet at low rates or be ousted from the field.

The same can be said for the entertainment industry. The rules changed last year and people are paying fewer fees and only for the channels they choose to watch through their set-top boxes. The service providers are now all set to release set-top boxes that will be able to help the user download apps of Netflix and prime and watch it even if they do not own a smart TV. Competition has helped the customer indeed.

Just today, I saw an ad about a set-top box that will allow a user to use any such services simultaneously. However, I wondered why the ordinary human being is made to think that he cannot do without all this?

Is it necessary to watch Amazon Prime or Netflix originals show? Why pay to watch when one can instead focus on one's own life and get on with real-life entertainment rather than reel life.

Do you have accounts with both the services? What do you feel?


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I dropped cable and satellite to retain Netflix (little to no commercials). Some dang good series on there. Right now, I'm watching one called 'Big Mouth' which is a hilarious cartoon about adolescents.

As for reel life vs real life? It is pretty amazing what can be controlled and suggested to a mind via the power of media. And, the ones that control the media will always force their greedy agendas on people. It is great to unplug once in a while. I find myself fishing or hunting personally, but with the kiddos, it's play in all ways. We actually have a limit at the house how long a child can be on their tablet or watch TV :)

Limiting that time is a good thing, They still learn the tech and see more of the world.

No clue, I just wait until someone pirates it and then I watch it. I do not see why people have to watch it the moment it comes out so they pay for the "convenience" I can't be bothered with that shit to the extent that I forget which series it is that I was watching or music that is new. I do not see any of this entertainment stuff as mattering they are just nice to see or hear, products we are sold to believe we can't do without.

I only have Netflix for the family and myself and that is more than enough!

I don't do Amazon Prime, but have had Netflix for quite a while. I haven't had a TV or cable for... 20 years now? A long time. But I like watching movies and binging shows when I need some downtime, and Netflix works for that. It's also great for cartoons for my kids without them being sold all kinds of things they don't need during commercial breaks.

That said, I limit the amount of time my kids spend in front of screens, and I do a lot more writing than I do watching.

I have had a Netflix subscription for many years, but with a family of four people the monthly cost is far outweighed by the convenience of watching anything on it from an iPad or television in the house. There is a reasonable range of movies or series - and it fills in time on an evening while you might be browsing Steem or playing @steemmonsters

I have an amazon prime account for the super convenient free next day delivery it provides. Most of the time I can order something even at 8pm or later at night and it is delivered free the next day - and the product is cheaper then if I went to a physical store to buy it. Amazon Prime Video is just bundled with the service, so it’s an extra perk and has a ton of good movies and series available. You can pay to view the latest content, but I never need to the free content is more then enough to fill in time.

Life is balance though, and for sure getting out and doing things is better then sitting inside and in front of a screen. But to be fair if you live in the UK at least half the year is way to wet and miserable to go outdoors.

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Jeazus @C0ff33a You expect me to follow that. I don't watch either.
How about instead I tell ye that Jed Clampit he's my Hero. He can shoot the wings of a fly at 250 paces. Then shoot the other wing off as the fly spin dice flapping one wing.

Ye have to wonder, did that fly think oh shit this is gonna hurt on the way down.

Or was it a stunt fly and how did they train it to do that.

Oh there's guns mentioned her, I better tag @jackmiller for that, He knows all about that stuff. I wonder if Jack could shoot the wings of a fly at 250 paces. (we will use baby steps for Jack) ( that was just so funny in my head, Soz Jack).

Seriously you never watch any series or movies? It’s like mine and @saffisara favourite chill out time. And don’t even get her started on the hot faeries 🧚‍♀️ in Carnival Row - I’ve still not recovered that one.

I thought @underground was the man with the big 💪🏼 guns

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Underground never comes to that chat lol. I think my accent scares most away. I don't have netflix or a tv. I have seen a few hings when I have visited others, Visiting becomes a thing of oh you have to see this watch that bla bla,

Oh so how was it?

How was what?

Your trip, How was your trip?

Just like any other flight?

FFS how was your holiday? Did you like it?

Oh I don't know, It's okay I guess,

Well what did you do over there?

Watched lillyhammer on netflix.
The same when I lived other places with people always a TV on and no convo. Except for one cool family, who played music and we always had conversation going on about something.

If I could do those days of travel again :)

Wait people talk to each other? Is that still a thing? Our entire house converse by iMessage - why make noise out of your mouth hole when you can just send a digital message across the room.

My boy and his friends take it to new levels, gaming with each other or his friend will be knocking on the door - Callum told me to come round - he messaged me. When I was young it was walk to friends house, parents answer
and say he’s not allowed to play walk home. They are so organised I’m starting to wonder what they are hacking into 🤔 Tesla’s get a come to me mode update and start crashing into stuff while doing it - makes me wonder.

So how far did you travel?

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Manchester Engand, London England, Pensacola Florida, Biloxi Louisiana. Montecello Arkansaas,

Then Life hit, lol

Well you managed to hit the two most torrid cities in the UK, But at least you lived to tell the tale.

I bet Florida is amazing, @deadgrlsuppastar always takes the most enigmatic photos of it.

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Awe thanks

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Mostly I find. The place doesn't matter if the people are real. I think I have also been lucky on my travels, yup to have survived.

Those places have their bad spots just like in England I just happen to attract those people it seems. I either fuck their head up or they pity me, lol.

@c0ff33a so True.... YES you and me on movie and serie marathon 😜🍟 have mercy... Lol
And hey... Who doesn't love fearies and some hot 🔥 love 😋 lol
And NOOO... Innocent coffe... You know I don’t buy it... Lmao
You don't just recover but overcover.... Sounded better in my head 😂 Hahahaha

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@leysa and I still have Netflix but we’re too busy Steeming to start a new series at present.

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I find normal standard tv extremely boring and Netflix and nowtv offer some great shows and movies to watch despite me not being a tv watcher I’m more of a gamer than watcher I would easily prefer a Netflix account over standard tv. I heard Disney have announced there new streaming service Disney+ that rolls out on November 12. So I’m sure that will be a big success for Disney

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