Keeping Steemit Challenges fun

in #thealliance6 years ago (edited)

Have you been loving all the challenges going on around Steemit lately? Have you been tagged in too many of them? Do you need a break from them? Ever wonder why I usually always start posts with questions?

The answers to the questions above are yes, maybe, maybe, no....maybe....okay I'm not even sure on that one. Maybe.

Now that any new people reading my posts for the first time are totally confused, let's get right to the subject at hand.


There have been a ton of fun challenges on Steemit lately to do, if you are into that sort of thing.

The problem I see with them is:

  • Some people don't have GINAbot and never know they are tagged even if they would love to play along.

  • You can always go remind a good friend that you tagged them in your post but with all the phishing, linking, attacking going on, dropping links, while never the best thing to do on someone's page, has now become something that people are afraid to see! with very good reason!

Sending @thekitchenfairy hugs and hope that her Dad's account get's restored to what it should be.

  • You have every right not to do a challenge. Some people I know, who I will not name, (@deaconlee) because I don't want them to feel guilty for not playing along in the fun, can always use the excuse that they forgot. Even when you know ........well, you know........they didn't. Forget.

  • We now get to being tagged twice for the same challenge. If you get tagged close enough, timewise, you are in the clear because you can make both people happy with just one post!! You lucky duck you!! YOU just won the Challenge Lotto!.


  • Yup, if too much time has gone by after doing a challenge, and you get tagged again for the same challenge, part of you says you really should do it again because they asked you, and there is nothing worse then asking someone to do a challenge and no one does it. But, you think to yourself that you really don't have 10 more interesting facts about yourself to write down. You think I'm REALLY not that interesting!!!

  • You feel guilty.

  • You try and think of 10 more facts and have nothing, nada, zippo. You face facts. You are boring!

  • You remember this really cool song you heard this morning that @inthenow did for The Beat Battle. You see he is on Discord and ask him very nicely if you can mess around with his song. He, being the wonderful person from @thealliance that I just met and messaged asking for his song said, "Sure! go right ahead!" Steemit Magic at it's best!

You then listen to the song while looking up Sundays Freewrite prompt: Sizzle and mess around with talking for 5 minutes while trying to match your voice to the cool song. Something I have never done before. I have always recorded my Speakwrites and then went to find a song that I thought went with what I said.

Next, take the words and music into a program I don't know much about. Use that program to make a song/speakwrite I think is good enough to show a person who's music, he made from scratch and I just talked all over, if he thinks it's any good.

A little bit of pressure there! But..........
He DID like it! Then he even made it better! Well, my voice better. Then poor @inthenow thought he was talking to someone that understood music programs and words like..... 25 layers of ??????, voice matching, and hmmmmmmmm...........

I stopped reading after a while because, to be honest, I was listening to the new song we had just made. I was smiling from ear to ear and dancing in my chair. Yes, I will go back and read it all again later after I listen to this song another 20 times or so.

Click the orange arrow below to hear @inthenow great song and me doing the vocals to it!!

Now where were we? Yes! Challenges! Lot's of them!

  • You then think about the challenge that you should be writing up a post for but your hubby is coming home to make a bigger mess in your kitchen then what's already there. If you have any chance of your kitchen being clean before you go to bed, you get up now and put everything in order right before he walks in the door. <Rocky theme song plays in my head>

  • Hubby walks in the kitchen as soon as I sit down to work on writing the challange I have already done but too much time has passed, so I need to do it again, and he asks me how I was feeling. My answer was........

"I feel pretty darn COOL! today!"

He stops in his tracks and really looks at me and said, "What?"

I then shove the headphones, the volume up to 11, on his head and hit play on the computer.

He walks around the kitchen not saying anything while starting to make a mess. A sticky mess no less. Maple syurp sticky.

He then finishes listening to the song and asks if ........... get ready.......I still can not belive what he said....

"Are you going to be the next Justin Bieber?"

I said, "WHAT????????"

aaaaaaaaand I think that explains the rest of how that conversation went and our evening so let's move on.....

Then the wonder of wonders hits me!

  • I realize while talking about the challenge of too many challenges, I just finished my '10 truths and one lie Challenge' that tagged me in 2 days ago!

Your job, if you decide to take it, is to find the one lie in this post. I might have went over the ten truths but there is only one lie! To the first person that get's the lie correct by the time of this post payout I will send them .500 SBD.

Thank you for making me think 'outside' the box on how I was going to do anthor one of these challenges and still keep my promise to you!! It took me a few days but 😁 I did it!


Please follow @simgirlandsnook. This is the page where we will be posting the Sim Your Life show from and also the Bad Karaoke Contest!!!! Win SBD!! contest plus anything else @simgirl and I dream up and she makes me do! 😬

Please take the time to vote for @enginewitty as a Witness.
He is a man that believes we all should be just who we are.
He goes out of his way to support others that stay true to themselves.
That kind of man I will stand behind any day of the week.


Don't forget to read the latest posts from The Freewriter's page
There's chances to WIN something great!

Click the graphic to join in the fun!


Love the beat and your voice with it! And as to all of the challenges ;)! Hugs!

Thank you so much <3 hugs sorry to be answering you so late, it's been a long day!!

Thanks for my Tuesday morning Text too!!

I always got that alot,being tagged or mentioned and i had no idea about until ginabot saved my ass. Funny encounter with hubby there lol..hope youre good anyway

we are :D and yes, Love GINAbot LOLL Thanks for reading!! and laughing :D

:D you're welcome...thank you too for sharing :)

That was good read, very entertaining :)

Thanks :D I had fun writing it too :D I'm happy you liked it also!!!

Excellent Post! :-) And you got a great voice, you did great. And we are looking good my friend! ;-)

awwwww Thanks!!!! :D for all 3 :D I'm still clicking on it and listening to it today :D

You do come up with creative ideas! Wow! Love the music/story combo. Until now, I had not heard of GINAbot. I wonder how many tags I've missed out on because I hadn't a clue I was tagged? Guess I better figure this thing out. Maybe my son knows all about it..... I hope!

if he doesn't let me know and we will find a way to find it for you :D

Well done, sounds like you had the same problem, what sounds interesting in a quiet life?
All I have to do now is find the link to your truth or dare, ooops wrong game.

Thank you for making me do this challenge!! It was a lot of fun trying to come up with another way to do it!! :D I still have to head over and re read yours and take a guess :D

Likewise, I will have to check you out. :-)

I would not have thought your hubby would know who Justin Bieber is!!! lol.

................................. not even going there LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL

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Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Snook!!! As you may suspected, I don't have Gina, and only today I learned that in tagged here

Im slow 😂😅😂😅

Thank you, you are super sweet❤️❤️❤️❤️

Since this is 11 days old, I can't upvote this, so Imma vote-flood your latest posts bow, before u go to sleep 😂

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