This "Dark Age" & My Dream - An Application to The Alliance

in #thealliance6 years ago

This "Dark Age"

”I have been singing the best song of my life, to an empty auditorium!”

Like many others, I joined Steemit after being attracted to the default promotional word on every article…

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I joined! And similar to other good souls on Steemit, I tried to create my own original articles, things that will bring additional value to Steemit, contests that I’ve joined, or just things that interest me in my life. I’ve carefully written them, using the best possible spelling checker and grammar checker as I’m not that fluent in English. An article usually took two to four hours of creation time.

I then posted them with the hope that each one of my articles is going to earn me hundreds of dollars. I mean, I’ve seen memes from dMania was earning hundreds of dollars, so, my beautifully written and useful article should worth more right? Oh, how I’ve been so wrong! Each of them is, on average, of half a dollar. Yeah, my four-hour work, the fruit of my mind, each is only worth $0.5. Sometimes even less than that.

It’s like how @CrimsonClad, the senior moderator from Minnow Support Project said

”I have been singing the best song of my life, to an empty auditorium!”

A Glimmer of Hope

How do I find out?

Last week, a glimmer of hope is presented to me. I was browsing the Discord “jungle” where I’ve found the post from @lilyraabe in which she explained how she got 500 followers. I’ve read the article and somehow I got attracted to the mesmerizing sexy women eyes of The Alliance. I’ve read a little bit and thought, “Hey, this is what I’m looking for, a community or family that could help me.”

Why I want in?

By browsing the “trending” page of Steemit, most newcomers will understand that there are “Whale Wars” on Steemit. Whales, orcas, dolphins, and minnows are forming factions and have flagging wars. This actually terrifies me. I may accidentally comment “Good article, I like it” to a member of one faction and then get flagged down by the members of opposing faction. It’s very scary out here. I would need a community where I can grow safely. I would need a support group. I would need a community. I would need The Alliance.

My Dream

What can I do?

Reading the word “family” from The Alliance has made me remember my idealistic dream about Steemit. I dream of a “family” on Steemit that will help one another in growing ourselves, help us avoid the “war zones” on Steemit, and give constructive critics. I would like to have friends where I can share and discuss my little knowledge about the finance world (crypto included), the computer world (HTML and markdown), help newcomers navigate Steemit, or just chat and have fun.

So here I am, standing and knocking the gate of The Alliance. Will I get to see you dream come true?

Image source (Creative Common license): 1, 2, 3. This post is an application to The Alliance.


@liberviarum HAHA I feel that! I get paid like less than a quarter for some of my posts that take hours to write up. It's a struggle, but much of this is probably correlated with the recent downturn in the crypto markets as well. I take comfort in knowing that we must keep it up and we will reap great rewards in a year from now when crypto and Steemit start getting alot more attention. It's ashame of these flagging wars, I'm not trying to get caught in random turf wars lmao!

Sincere, thank you for applying!

Thx for another informative post. Easy to read.
Please continue up with creating interesting content - it may be hard at the beginning to build reach and solid followers base.
Steemits needs solid content builders so just dont ever give up! :)

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Hi @liberviarum
Excellent article. I subscribed to your blog. I will follow your news.
I will be grateful if you subscribe to my blog @user2627
Good luck to you!

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