Warning - Not For the Squeemish

in #thealliance6 years ago

Had Surgery Yesterday

Why? As some of you know, I used to do many different forms of martial arts. One day, my master, decided he was going to teach us all some potent Judo throws. Much of the throws look brutal because they are. There is quite a bit of hip and locking joint maneuvers. One in particular, was a defensive throw. It required someone to attack you, evading their attack and locking their elbows together. You use their momentum to finish the throw by adding force in a twisting motion on their joints.

All Fine and Dandy

I'd been 'professionally' falling and knew how to break my falls, but this was entirely new and caught me off guard. I landed on my shoulder and neck instead of flipping all the way to my back. Something popped and the initial pain misguided my mind as to the location of the injury. At first, I thought I had broken my collar bone. Then, my back started hurting real bad in unison with my shoulder. Turns out, I had torn my trapezius pretty bad. I was out for six weeks after that and was sore for months beyond.


Lipoma is a deposit of fat cells on someone's body. There is no known cause as to why they appear, some say it is genetic, some say it has to do with trauma of some sort. Mine would fall in the latter. Normally, they are encapsulated and a small incision is only necessary to pop them out. Mine however, because of the massive scar tissue, was rooted in multiple new muscle growths and took quite awhile to remove. The typical 30 minute procedure lasted almost two hours of cutting and scraping around in my back.


My back is crazy sore. This was taken just a little while ago before redressing the wound. Can see the wicked bruise up there and believe me - it takes A LOT for me to get bruised. What drives me the most nuts though is not the discomfort trying to sleep (which I got none, just tossed and turned), is how itchy it is. OMG it's so frig'n itchy. And scratching it is not a viable option because one, the shit hurts. Second, it's in a spot that I can barely reach!

So, No Worries, OK?

It'll take a bit to heal, I get the stitches out in a few weeks. You'll notice they are actual guaged twine stitches instead of those dissipation ones they normally use. I requested those knowing I have some rough little princesses that may add to the pain and healing process. But I'm ok, no worries. STeeM oN my peoples!

FRANKENSTEIN - bwahahahaha!

@snook made this badass gif
@enginewitty #thealliance witness.png


that pile of fat tissue removed is crazy

Whoa, dude! Hopefully, that won't be lingering around to cause you pain forever. I live near a Gracie studio, but all my years messing up my body with Football I am happy getting my kicks through posts like these! I could almost imagine a Chuck Norris coming at ya...

Ha ha good puns man! Got a few Gracies here. And Tracys. Good trees rooted. Chuck might have trouble lol

I had a revision to my knee replacement in October and I know it smarts. Ay time the cut into you and drill or scrape inside it will be sore and hurt for a while. For me, the PT was worse than the surgery, moving the knee and breaking scar tissue up and keeping it from forming. Hang in there it will get better!

Dang, hope you up and running as it should be. Been lucky not had any major joint issues.

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Ouch! Glad you’re doing ok

Thank you😁

Glad it’s over and how time to heal. Take it easy! ❤️

Am trying hun☺

Geez! That sure hurts. Glad you're better though.

Take care! 😉

It sure does, quite uncomfortable

Glad you made it through. Actually it looks like only a small amount of inflamation around the stitches. You are healing nicely. I like your hashtag "frankenstein" good one.

Ya a little. Have to put vaseline on it to keep it fairly pliable as I am very active.

Omg... heal quickly dude... as a side joke tho.. I have some lipoma on my belly... haha (not really).. much love and healing thoughts your way.

That a beer filled tire? Lol😂

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