😢 No Words Today

in #thealliance5 years ago

Because I Have None

Cancelling the show this afternoon, sorry. I got a call at 4 a.m. this morning from a babbling blubbering sister that was trying to spit out some words I could barely understand -"Elana's dead." She was the oldest daughter of my sister-in-law - Lisa - the good sister. Not the druggie lackey parent of the three little ones I take care of from time to time, but the other one with kids the same ages (relatively) as my boys. I was a mentor for her in troubling times, so this is kind of a blow to my psyche.

She was a few months into being 19 and I don't have many pictures of her. She had just moved back in with her parents (Lisa) after a break-up. She was doing quite well actually, no more drugs and just the occasional drink. She had gone out with some 'friends' from work and upon coming home last night, said her stomach hurt. She then began coughing and puking. Blood started coming up with the vomit more and more and even foamy stomach acid. The paramedics rushed over and pronounced her dead at 3:47 a.m.

They are doing an autopsy as I write this and I will be heading to Chattanooga shortly for support. I will also be conducting my own investigation and may be off grid for a little while. Alpha wolf and all. If foul play was the cause, justice must and will be served, and not by some local authority slap on the wrist bullshit. At the @innerblocks, they say and ask what blocks are you made of? This is one of mine. Witty out.

My heart goes out to you and your family, hon.

Sending you so much love and please give a holler should you want or need anything. Please travel safe and may you all have comfort from the happy memories of Elana.

What devastating, heartbreaking news...truly – there are no words.

Sending warm hugs... :(

I am so sorry this has happened to someone so young and bright. Our prayers and thoughts are with you. Here if you ever need to lean on someone.

Holy crap, that is terrible news. Sorry to hear of it, stay safe... Don't be too rash.

oh @enginewitty this is so devastating for you... my condolences.. be strong we're with you in spirit.

Very sorry to hear that @enginewitty. Condolences to you and your family. Be strong and tcb. We're here for you if you need us.

We're very sorry to hear this news, please be careful.

I am sorry to hear that such a tragedy has hit your family. I wish you well and safe journey, my friend. TheAllianceStar-25x25.png

That is such a tragedy she was so young.
I'm so sorry for your loss love and I understand this must be Hard for you and understand you want to know what really happened.
You do so much for the People around you and Im sure you made a difference in her life to.
Stay strong and know your not Alone ❤️
I'm always here if you need me and my thoughts and love are with you and your family. 🌹❤️🌹❤️🌹

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Sounds very interesting indeed.....Something she ate, either on Purpose or given to; in a product from the store... So yes, I agree very strange. Get to the bottom of it! You never know if it's A food product than at least theyll know to pull it off the shelf! I hope you get to feeling more like yourself soon. Much luv. If you need and ear. Just text. I may be sleeping because, well I'm an insomniac. It's what I do.

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