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RE: Why retire?

I so agree.

I have a friend in Florida, Lydia, and she and I were in agreement for years that, if and when we retired, we'd never be bored, because there were so many things we're both interested in!

And, now that she's been retired for a few years, that remains true. She has way too much to do to be bored.

Of course, I have my former in-laws as an example: when my father-in-law decided to retire, his wife said, " Fine. I'm retired too. You can now do all the cooking."

And . . . to his credit, he did. And he had a blast doing it. Most of our holidays were spent with them, since my family was all on the other side of the country, whereas they were a mere half an hour away.

So Russ cooked for Thanksgiving, and Christmas, and Easter, and whatever other family gatherings were in-between.

And the rest of us lent a hand, bringing pies and side dishes, and adding to the celebration. And he always asked me to make the gravy, because my mom taught me patience, so mine came out without lumps, and really delicious. ;-)

I'm not worried about Marek retiring, because he doesn't want to "retire" so much as he just wants to stop driving for a living, which will allow us to finally get our mini farm off the ground, not to mention making music together again!

Too many people retire without any real plan about what that means for them, and especially if their circle of friends was mostly at work, they can find themselves at loose ends, and desperately lonely.

I don't wish that on anyone.

Posted using Partiko Android


It was great reading about your friend and your father in law. What you wrote is absolutely right. I wish you all the best for your future projects.

Thanks, and to you and yours as well!

Posted using Partiko Android

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