☄️ #TheAlliance Group Meeting & Delegation Drive for Sneaky-Ninja ☄️steemCreated with Sketch.

in #thealliance7 years ago


There was a hush across the Discord servers this afternoon while The Alliance gathered for their first ever group meeting.

It was also my first ever voice meeting on Discord and I gotta say!!! It was exciting to be there with all the other members, sort of not knowing what to expect, but still keen.

I waited all day for the meeting and it didnt disappoint- Just the EGGSplanation was worth the wait! @enginewitty and @michaeldavid told the tale of how The Alliance began, the road ahead, the coming PURGE and many things in between including...

Delegating to Sneaky-Ninja

So it seems our favourite Ninja needs a bit of love and support from us.

He helps us out so I figured maybe we can all pitch in and delegate some Steem Power over to him. You know, community project sort if thing.

It doesn't need to be huge, although if you can do huge, it will be greatly appreciated but I think at this point any amount will go a long way if only to just say HEY! I GOT YOUR BACK.

I could only delegate 50SP for now but as soon as I can afford to I sure will be delegating more..

So as per our meeting, here is the Delegation Tutorial for our mate @sneaky-ninja.




Delegator: is YOU

Delegatee: is who you want to give Steem Power to.

NOTE: This page is designed to ease SP delegation for MS supporters. Please select any of the names from the drop down menu, it doesn't matter which one you will have to change the name manually to the account you want to delegate to once you get the url.

Steem Power: is how much Steem Power you want to give

Fill it all in and click SUBMIT to get your URL.

EXAMPLE URL: @bearone giving 50SP to @sneaky-ninja

Change the delegatee from minnowsupport


to sneaky-ninja


Enter the modified link in your browser and it will take you to this page.


Hit Continue and you will be asked to log in to save the changes. And that's it. You're done.


To remove delegation, follow the same steps and change the number to 000000.000000. It will take a week for your Steem Power to come back to you.

Here is a quick shortcut if you are like me and want to send 50 SP over

Simply replace my username with yours.


Copy the link and Paste/Enter to your browser to get to the "Delegate Vesting Share" page.

Hit Continue and boom! You just delegated 50SP over to Sneaky-Ninja

I hope that was easy to follow 😚

If you missed out on the meeting today I believe it was recorded so you can catch up on today's conversation and shenanigans OR you can join us for next week's meeting.

💗 Arly


Great post it was my first voice meeting as well and great to see the positivity in the Alliance

I will be delegating soon

I will delegate to our HERO! @sneaky-ninja
It might be small but as we will grow it can only get bigger :).

Thank you @vlemon

Every little bit helps our Ninja 😊

Done, 50SP.
I just had a quick question. Does it have a timeframe (the Delegation SP) or is it active until I cancel it?
Have a great day.

Just finishing listening to the recording of the meeting. Sorry I missed it.

Another option for delegating is using Vessel It's a desktop STEEM wallet developed by Jesta.

I have been recently introduced to it and love it. The latest version allows you to create new accounts by delegating STEEM to it, works real slick. I created @ocanada using Vessel

my internet dropped twice during the meeting :-/ damn, maybe in Spain I will not have these internet problems like in Brazil. I will listen to the meeting later. :)

Great instructions. I was unaware how to delegate to someone else too.

Thanks for the information and the delegation!

You Rock!

Too bad i missed the first meeting. Can we have the next meeting on a weekend, pretty please? haha thank you for the step by step tutorial @bearone. :)

We missed you!

wondered where you were in discord there is a link to the recording

I missed it too it was 7 AM here.

Sob Sob

in discord there is a link to the recording

I missed the meeting since the time was 7:30 am in India here and I was awake till 3 am. Needed rest for a show today.
I am glad we are growing with awesome members! ✨

Aww thats ok @hardikv - it did go on for a while so it was probably a good thing that you went to bed.

Me too!! Its exciting!

in discord there is a link to the recording

That was nice and more power to your alliance. :)

EGGsplanation...HA! Good one.

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