in #thealliance6 years ago

We war with life and death and germs
We warred one time with Pachyderms...
Spy vs. Spy and Barron Red
Catapults that bonked your head
We warred with arrows launched from hills
We warred with drones like gaming thrills
Phosphorous and mines and gas
Agent Orange and swords of brass
Some will win and dominate
to weave that thread from love to hate...
We war with races to the MOON
We fight for Forks with plastic Spoons
Develop this and threaten that...
Survivalist slaps Plutocrat

(giphy, Better to Burn Out then Rust Out...) poem copywritten by Bob


We fight for Forks with plastic Spoons

That's a badass line right there. Deep as the rabbit can dig.

Yes @enginewitty our beloved @battleaxe sure has a way with words and dont we just love her way too ?? Waow this is her best yet to my mind !! )


“That was hard rite therre sis”.
:::snoop dog voice::::

thank you kindly, am trying to sort of branch out a bit, my dream of being Yolandi will never happen so will just keep on doing my thing (whatever the hell that is) :P

Smashing poetics and Mediforical medicine to feed the brain to stay sane...

be well
Love not War


men have come and men have gone
as they should come and go
the seeds of sorrow war does sow
the few who see it would always know

I have done what I have done
and have payed the price for it
you do what you have to do
but remember that you live with it

I had this dream of finding me a perfect place
I did look through the grassy lands and sands and cities of maze
place with honor, maybe a little charm and a little grace
idealistic man that was me little knew of the truth in fairy tales

Left alone and hung to dry
It makes little sense to give another try
Beast and its nature are like heat and fire
a son would not be there without his sire

I really do enjoy a good free flow poem. Well done Mary.

:) Victory

Day-um, girlfriend, this is a kickass rhyme!
bravo, Bravo, BRAVO!

That really got me going, LOVE that last line so much I'm willing to overlook your poetic license ;) Survivalists will, in the end prevail!

[swords of brass, grumble, grumble...] LMAO :D

I myself, have fought for forks with plastic spoons. I can definitely relate. I like this.

HardForks...it's a nod to the Forks here ;) am going to assume that some newer users will have no idea what that means

Well I think in some cases we war like races to moon but in the other case war for forks, I think there is an argument,I think its the way you are describing arguments here, we are really surrounded by wars, its the human greed every one wants to dominate other, nice words, keep sharing such posts

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