Application for the diary game assistant from India

As @steemitblog is looking for an diary game assistant I think I am able to apply for this job.

Here I am answering questions asked by @steemitblog,

experience on Steem

Now it’s about three months that I am active on steem it’s all because #the100daysofsteem started. I am active translator of the 100 days of steem after few days of starting of 100 days I started translating and from that time I continued translation of the 100 days and as I am translating, I also participated in the challenges by @steemitboard and also stabilise great conversation with @steemitboard.

languages I know

At this time I am familiar with two languages which is Hindi native language of India and English which is most common on steem.

The Diary Game

The why they want assistant and if assistant itself not participated then I don’t think they have special connection with others diary game posters.
As I am participating in the game expect few days which is due to some problems.
But I will continue to participate in the game.
Here is the link of last diary post where I have experimented new thing with new section in diary game which is what’s on steem?? where I write what I have done in steem in that day I think this should be in every diary game post. The diary game (day - 12,June 26th) better day , fun with puppies, sunset after so many day

top five things that make a good diary post

There are some key point according to me which makes diary game great to read,

  1. title should consist the date and day of your diary game which makes it great for readers as they know which date post they are reading.

  2. the beginning should great and attractive to make readers stick to read your hole diary post.

  3. images should be your own and I think this can make your post real and can also attract readers as you are sharing your real diary with Steemians.

  4. include you social media activity if possible share also what’s you have done in steem which is really awesome thing.

  5. diary game should be little long, not a tiny one like I wake and sleeped, try to make your diary post a fun post.

why they think they would make a good Game Assistant.

I am really dedicated towards steem and only active on steem not anywhere else, as I consist in my work of translating I think, and assistant should be consistent in there work so that I am thinking that I can be an great diary assistant.


Thank you for your application.

Look out for news on @steemitblog soon.

The Steemit Team

(By the way the account @steemitboard is nothing to do with Steemit)

That’s happens by mistake.

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