Day 36 - Challenge - 5 Things About My Country

I live in Italy


Foto di Kjrstie da Pixabay

Five things I like about my country:
1-The climate
2-The Adriatic coast
4-Car manufacturers
5-The many tourist places

Foto di Free-Photos da Pixabay
Venice - Italy

Five things I dislike about my country
1-The economic policies of the past 20 years
2-low digitization
3-Uncivilized behavior towards the environment
4-Poor energy culture
5-Taxation for companies too high

Foto di Gianni Crestani da Pixabay
Verona - italy

Five things you would do to improve life in your country
1-Spread greater respect for the environment
2-Maintain roads
3-Construct buildings in a low-energy way
4-Improve internet support for citizens by increasing free Wi-Fi locations
5-Selling some historical sites to renovate others of fundamental importance

Foto di Dimitris Vetsikas da Pixabay
Milano - Italy

Five things people from elsewhere misunderstand about your country
1-We are not rude
2-The Italian culture is vast, we don't just have pizza and mandolin
3-It is not true that we work little, we are tireless and very good workers
4-Italian quality is not only in fashion
5-We don't just live on football

Foto di Walkerssk da Pixabay
Rome - Italy

Five unusual facts about your country
1-The telephone was invented in Italy. The Florentine Antonio Meucci filed a patent for the telephone in 1871.
2-The piano was invented in Italy by Bartolomeo Cristofori, at the services of the Medici court in Florence.
3-In 17th century Genoa, jeans were already worn
4-Eugenio Barsanti and Felice Matteucci in 1853 patented the first internal combustion engine model.
5-Lamborghini was a company that produced tractors, but wanted to challenge FERRARI in making cars. So today Lamborghini cars are known all over the world.

Foto di hans janssens da Pixabay
Cesenatico - Italy

Final thoughts
I like this country even if it is not perfect.


I dream of one day being able to know your country, it looks beautiful.
Thanks for sharing, greetings.

it's not all beautiful, but let's say it's not bad to live here

Five things I dislike about my country
I will add corruption

ps sono italiano anch'io :3

grazie per aver lasciato questo commento.. effettivamente me ne sono dimenticato...

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