It is a perfect storm to make deep rooted reforms in Steem to make it great yet again. A steemian's resolve.

in #the100daysofsteem4 years ago (edited)


An open letter & suggestion to the Steem community

First of all, I would like to say that my stature is not something great in terms of HP, or Reputation or Activity, to advise something great for this community. However, I keep on reading the stuff in Steem from time to time as a guest.

My reputation is around 55.

SP is very less, in two digits only.

Age of my Steem account- 21 moons

But I love this place.

What happened inside the community(hardfork and all those noise) and what happened outside COVID-19, it seems like a perfect storm, which has set the ground for all of us for a deep rooted reform. You can bring the reform in this community without worrying about the participation rate and community activities.

Just remember, we are still a genuine product that is still existent since 2016. We all as a community must realize this consciously.

I keep on visiting the 100 days Steem page published by @steemitblog. They have taken certain initiatives.

While that is a good sign to bring back the activities on track, I firmly believe that we need to hack those areas which can in deed bring users a & make it lot more interesting for them

It has gone through Week 1 challenge and now it is Week 2. but I have some additional suggestions to throw to this table of discussion.

(1) Can you bring back @cateredcontent?

@cateredcontent earlier known as @originalworks was a popular name for almost two year from 2017 to 2019 for conducting various dapps writing contest and event. Cateredcontent is really great for organizing and conducting events on writing contents on various dapps.

The takeaway is that when you organize such an event, you invite participation and in doing so, people also get to know the platform. So Steem being a social platform can really benefit from it. Most of the users during those golden days were taking pride for being Steemians.

Why can't you approach @cateredcontent and ask him to start that fresh again?

What I knew is that some people started downvoting him and he got frustrated and started powering down and closing all. I think he is still reachable. Someone from Steemit Inc, please drop an email to him, by visiting his official website-

Click on "Contact us" and bring him back to Steem. Steem really need him. Catercontent and Steem co-existence will make this platfrom great.

Cateredcontent has record of organizing dapps writing content every week in Steem and distributing prize worth 1000 USD every week(without taking any help or sponsorship from the community).

(2) Delegate not just 1 million SP, rather 3 millions SP to @surpassinggoogle

He is one guy who pioneered in bringing the real human activities in a platform like Steemit. He is also admin of #ulogs. many uloggers know him very well.

If you can empower @surpassingoggle he will try all of his best to bring the lively things to Steemit. Trsut me, he is one guy who is a gem to this platform.

Most of the people don't read and engage in comments. But he is one if there will be 1000s of articles and comments, he will respond to each of them.

Steemit Inc has sufficient resources and it only needs the right and genuine hardworking guy to invest on.

(3) Allocate some funds from the SPS for grassroot-level marketing

If there are some users of this platform who are serious about it and want to do marketing they should financed or funded. It is the duty of the community to see how they are funded and how much should it be.

There are many people I know if we work with them at grassroot-level, then they can do wonder for this community.

Don't worry about retention rate. There is a second suggestion to it, i will tell.

Cost will not be more also. If you pay 200 to 500 SBD per one marketing guy, they can at least bring 500 new people and they will be joining by attaching their real twitter account, so it will not be fake.

Time has come to focus onserious marketing also.

(4) Steem needs events every week or fortnightly

While the 100 days Steem is a good thing. We really need consistent events every week. Identify who are the curator who can invest their knowledge, time, etc to curate the users in the community.

If you bring people like @cateredcontent, you don't even need to put any resources, he is a kinda auto-pilot organizer for organizing events. But make sure @cateredcontent is not down-voted. For no reason some whales downvoted him and that is why he got frustrated and left the platform by powering down SP. But I think he is still reachable.

But Steem has to discover talents like @cateredcontent at least 4 to 5 in numbers.

(5) Highly Quality content should always be supported by the community or Steemit Inc

I don't want to be contentious on this topic.

But it has happened in past that someone who puts a content which is very high quality but still earns in cents but those who just make it average earns in dollars.

Steem has to treat a quality content as a quality content only. The past premise, reputation, activity, relationship with others, etc should not matter on this.

You reward a minnow in dollars for his effort, trust me he can do wonder for this platform. The belongingness will grow, and that has many passive benefits.

So if Steemit Inc sees a content is poor-valued, then it should intervene and vote that content.

(6) De-Fi can do wonder for Steem

If Steemit Inc can take the initiative for De-Fi then it will be really great for this community and overall for STEEM value.

There should be two types, one for overall- that includes both inside and outside community.

The second should be exclusively for Steem users.

Help people to take a loan at the rate of 2% per month for their SP. Keep upper limit as 1000 STEEM. You can also make the Loan to Value as 50 to 60 % of the SP. And when you start this sort of facility, give it in STEEM only.

There are many minnow level users who just die for this small loan. Because they earn small amount and keep on adding their SP. But at times they need a loan.

I don't think any such facility is available here, unless there is an agreement between two individual users. That is also hard to find. So a loan platform with SP as collateral is very much needed. Start a micro loan service, that will do fine.

@justinsunsteemit Sir you are capable from all dimensions. Be it finance, marketing, expertise, you have got everything. So please lead this front by creating a platform in Steemit where the recovery account of the user should be Steem or Steemit, the users reputation fix it, the minimum SP you allow to take a loan and the upper limit. Just facilitate the small fish, they will be obliged to you and this platform. Trust me this thing can happen, I can bring 1000 people to this platform.

No matter what the value of STEEM right now is, but it has a value and from there we can start capitalizing.

We have people like @stephenkendal, @whatsup, @adsup, @surpassinggoogle @steemchiller, @justyy, @steemcurator01, @cmp2020, the entire Steemit team, the entire community who love this platform, then why can not we make this place great again. Above all, we have a working and well-functioning product called Steem.

I have high hopes and I will feel lucky if I can associate myself in this journey to make this place great again.

Those who want to appreciate are most welcome, those who want to downvote are also welcome.


Lot’s of great points. We hope and will encourage Steem to support as many things they can on the block chain, especially in marketing. But also throwing some support to the groups, and people you mentioned. But I hope that does not make people lazy expecting support. It is just as important for people to make things happen on their own.

Fell free to join our Discord, and come meet some other people excited about Steem.


#GreenHouseRadioOnline brings live shows almost daily with 6 out of 7 days having a show. We bring music and talk together to entertain & educate the steem community in Canna Curate and beyond.
Join us sometime.


Some interesting ideas here. We will consider them as we move forward.

While we will be setting up some projects and some funding initiatives, we also hope more members of the community will step forward and start projects themselves.

Thank you

The Steemit Team

Thank you so much bringing the activity level up in Steem ecosystem. That is essential and its now slowly picking up. Definitely some leaders need to step up, after all, we are in a decentralized world. Everyone must contribute their part.

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