3 July , Friday

Hello all my Steemians Friends ! Hope you all are enjoying this daily diary game. I am enjoying a lot . I have told my friends about this daily diary game. And I will try to bring my friends in this platform.

I woke up too early in the morning at 4:30 AM. Actually , One friend came to home in the early morning daily. Then , We went on running. Two more Friends joined us .

We did running for about 20-25 minutes. I can't run for a long time. Because In this lockdown period , I lost my stamina by resting in home. After running , We went to a nearby park and did some exercise there.

We talked a lot in the morning. Actually , In the morning , the view of the park in really very good. That view was awesome. I clicked a picture in the morning of that park. I am uploading that picture.


We took fresh air in the morning. We talked a lot. Spending time with friends is really very enjoyable time.

I returned to my home at 7 AM. Then , I brushed my teeths and then took a cup of tea with some buiscits. I am telling you one of my habit. I love sleeping. I slept a lot. I was also feeling sleepy in the morning. So , I slept in the morning and again woke up at 10 AM.

Then , I took my breakfast. That breakfast was really yummy. And It made my day. I am addicted to my mobile phone. Literally , I spent most of my time using my phone. I used my phone after taking breakfast.

I used Whatsapp , Facebook and scrolled Instagram. Nowadays , I used Instagram a lot. Actually , I have followed many memes pages in Instagram. So , I usually read memes on Instagram.

After that , I wanted to study. Then , I took my mobile phone and opened YouTube and searched channel Physics Wallah. I usually study from this channel. Today , I studied a lecture of Chemistry chapter 1 . Chemistry chapter 1 has around 10 lectures. That lecture was about 1 hour.
Here is the screenshot of that lecture and that YouTube channel.


After that , I checked all messages on WhatsApp. I used Instagram. Suddenly , I read a news about Pubg game. I was really shocked after reading that news. Actually , Pubg is just a game. But In this game , Many persons are spending a lot of money only just for making their look attractive.

It is not a good thing. Spending money in game is a very bad thing . I have also spent money but a little bit amount. I spent only 20 $ in pubg. But From Now , I will not even spend 0.0001 $ in pubg. I only play pubg for fun.

Now , I tell you about news. There is a boy from Punjab who spent approx 16 lakhs rupees in pubg game only just for making his look attractive in that shit game. He spent all the savings of his parents . Now , He is working in a scooter repairing shot.
I am uploading a picture of that news.


After that , I messaged my friends to open pubg. Then , I played some matches in pubg. I only play pubg for fun. And I will never spend money in pubg from now. I want to tell you that My all matches in the evening were very good . I won 2 matches continuously in the game.

I felt really very happy after winning continuously 2 matches. I have pushed my rank from gold tier to platinum tier.

I am uploading both screenshots of the results of my winning matches.



After that , I watched Television for some minutes. I took my dinner at 8:30 PM. And then , I again started playing Pubg game. I played many matches with my friends. We talked a lot in pubg. We played till 11 PM. I only play pubg with my friends.

Pubg is a very interesting game and enjoyable game when you are playing with your friends. I don't play pubg when My friends don't play.

At 11 PM , I watched some videos on YouTube . I listened many songs. I usually listen songs in the night. I used WhatsApp for a while.

Good Night!

Greetings from India!


Hi @sachin08
yes am enjoying my time and learning alot during this dairy game. Am also planning to drag alot of my friend to the network to join in the game ! just introduced my friend @alonso95 and @aruocha ... theyll soon put up their introductory posts.

you had a very interesting day . i loved that you started with exercising , i also work out but didn't this morning. Doing so with friends is bliss.

I can say your day is really balanced with work and play involved...... To me pubG is a most have for every game lover.....

thanks for sharing

Greetings from Nigeria

Привет из Украины.
Очень круто, что вы проходите онлайн лекции. Я тоже когда-то играла в пабг но деньги не тратила на игру.

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