The Diary Game , Day twelfth , 5 th July 2020

in #the100daysofsteem4 years ago (edited)


Hey people , how are you all? I am back with my diary today . Starting off with my morning routine the first thing i did was washed my face and took some selfie😆😆😆😆


As my sister was about to come home today so we cleaned and decorated the house . Mom and i took bath early as we were not able to take bath after her arrival . So after taking bath i went to the garden for plucking some flowers as usual to perform worship rituals. So as i went to garden i was surprised to see the plant blooming with flower which i plant 1 month before and watching it made my day.

Then as we were finished with our prayers my sister and her husband was knocking on the doors . I was so happy as she came after 6 months . She was wearing everything green as it was sawan. Even the bangles she wore was green . She even brought some bangles for me 😆i hope you people will definitely like it

But the irony was the bangles were one size bigger then me so i will not be able to wear it in future . Mother then served some sweets to her as it is an Indian tradition to serve the guests with sweets
IMG_20200707_210926.jpg the we started gossiping about the old days when we were kids and we use to have a dog named Tania. Then i came to know that at childhood once i swallowed cellotape and went to the doctor immediately due to which i am alive today . Then mom served us our lunch which was is my personal favourite Dosa , Sambhar and chutney. As i was eating dosa after a long time i had three dosas which is generally too heavy for the lunch as earlier i used to have one or two dosas.
I and my sister then pleased my mother to apply some Mehandi on our palms . Mehandi is nothing but pure of heena leaves powder . Then she sat and started applying Mehandi on our palms which took too long as my sister applied it in both her hands and i applied it only on one hand . As my sister's both hand was full with Mehandi she was unable to eat or drink on her own so i and mother helped her to do the same as Henna takes 2 to 3 hours time to dry. After having our lunch we all went to take some rest and after getting up at 5:30 pm i went for a walk


Before going i had my favourite snack Kurkure and tea and then i went for the walk and as usual i clicked some pictures on the way

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Then coming back from the walk we had some family gossips which continued till 8:30Pm and now it was the time for me to help out my mother in the kitchen so i did the same by knitting the dough of wheat for the chapattis . Then we had our dinner at 10 :00 PM and me and my sister selpt in the same room so that we could gossip whole night and we went on chatting till 12:30 Am and the she fall asleep so thankfully i got time to write complete my diary . Hope you people will enjoy reading my today's diary . Good night folks have a great day ahead.


I like that Mehendi design and applying Mehendi is very customary in Indian traditions.

South Indian dishes are my favorite too.

I like your sense of welcoming your sister and her husband. A family get together is always a soothing experience especially in these COVID-19 times.

Stay blessed, Stay safe.

Steem on.

Yup thank you so much for reading my diary.

My pleasure.

Thank you for taking part in The Diary Game on Steem.

Sorry we missed the voting on this post - we will add it to a future diary post.

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