My application to the [The Community Curators Project] of Steemit inc.

I think not trying = not succeding

This phrase was told to me by my great friend @crypto.piotr.

Photograph taken with my cell phone.

A great true phrase.

That phrase somehow defines my determination to participate by the delegation that offers @steemitblog, in its publication: Day 3 - The Community Curators Project, this way I will try it but it will not be easy to participate but it is not written that I cannot do it.

I wish to be considered as a community curator

But before that I must introduce myself so that @steemitblog can get to know me.


@topfivefamily is a project created by me, to directly support the excellent content creators they are Venezuelans, with a daily dynamic called the TopTres de TopfiveFamily and some other non-Venezuelans.

This small community is a big family that I strongly support, the themes that they publish are very varied, many of them are great creators of stories, life stories, cooking, poems, science, technology, philosophy, some are school teachers and university professors, engineers, and even doctors. They also actively participate in many contests in order to stay active within the platform.

Currently, the Spanish-speaking community does not have much support, what we can do together, is support each other, however, the vast majority to have a greater presence within the platform, we must publish in English, is the only way we can have presence.

Mi experiencia en Steemit

These two years of my life within Steemit, have been a great experience for me as a curator, although I must mention that with my little STEEM POWER, in view of that small power, I always request in the publications to join our Trail that has @topfivefamily an account that I personally administer to be able to perform the healing manually every day

I cannot say if I am a good curator, but I am sure of something, I try to do my best to choose the best publications that I support in all the communities in which I am interacting.

I don't like my voting power to be less than 80%, my vote is only worth 0.001$. I should try to always keep it above 80% so that I can support everyone, with a vote of 0.001$, than give a vote, with no value at all.

This is my first attempt, and it will not be the last, to support other good writers and in both languages is something that fills me with great satisfaction, hopefully @steemitblog and his team can read this entry, they will realize that it is worth supporting people, who actually need it.

Barra divisora steemit.jpg


Imagen creada por

Barra divisora steemit.jpg

Thanks for visiting, I appreciate your opinion.

"In constant evolution".


Excelente labor del profesor @lanzjoseg y gran ejemplo de constancia y dedicación a pesar de todas las dificultades ha sabido mantener la comunidad @topfivefamily unidad y motivada cada día para el crecimiento de cada uno de los que participamos en la dinámica, orgullosa de ser parte del grupo y esperando apoyo de las demás comunidades hispanas!

Excelente comunidad, espero que sea considerado para ser parte del equipo de curación que se está formando, mi apoyo para usted Profesor y para #TopFiveFamily

Hermosa comunidad de la cual estoy muy orgulloso de pertenecer. Tiene varios años ya funcionando y creo que nos merecemos esta delegación para seguir apoyando el talento.

Gracias amigo maracucho -argentino

Mi primera casa la que me brindo la ayuda necesaria para dar mis primeros pasos, devolverles ese abrazo de apoyo. El profesor @lanzjoseg tomó las riendas y mantuvo al grupo unido alrededor del proyecto, aprendiendo y dando apoyo. Mi primera casa @topfivefamily

My first house, which gave me the necessary help to take my first steps, return that hug of support. Professor @lanzjoseg took the reins and kept the group together around the project, learning and giving support. My first home @topfivefamily

Mi querida Sacra, como siempre contando con tu apoyo.

En este camino, he encontrado personas maravillosas, dedicados al apoyo incondicional con el objetivo de crecer como comunidad; más que amigos, son ángeles con la hermosa vocación de enseñar, así veo y siento a @topfivefamily, un proyecto, que se ha convertido en realidad de la mano de @lanzjoseg, quien día a día se esfuerza para un mejor mañana..!! Deseo desde lo mas profundo de mi corazón que pueda obtener la meta fijada en este instante para seguir con más ahínco su ayuda a todos quienes pertenecemos y pertenecerán a este noble proyecto..!! Orgullosa de pertenecer a @topfivefamily.. Un gran abrazo

In this journey, I have found wonderful people, dedicated to unconditional support with the aim of growing as a community; more than friends, they are angels with the beautiful vocation of teaching, so I see and feel @topfivefamily, a project, which has become a reality by the hand of @lanzjoseg, who day by day strives for a better tomorrow! I wish from the bottom of my heart that I can get the goal set at this time to continue with more effort to help all of us who belong and will belong to this noble project ...! Proud to belong to @topfivefamily. A big hug

Gracias, siempre estamos todos unidos como familia.

De todas las comunidades a las que he pertenecido, esta es la que me ha mantenido enganchada. Son gente hermosa, solidaria, que brinda apoyo siempre, que no duda en ayudar y aclarar cualquier duda. Merece esta delegación!!! Vamos a por ella!

Of all the communities I've belonged to, this is the one that has kept me hooked. They are beautiful, supportive and supportive people who do not hesitate to help and clarify any doubts. It deserves this delegation! Let's go get it!

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