100 DAYS OF STEEM - President For A Day

in #the100daysofsteem4 years ago


This of course is a map of Honduras.

This is a quite easy challenge, I live in a third world country so there are a lot of things to be done that can make this place better, especially if as President I worked just for the people.

The first thing I would do is abolish the armed forces, the money freed from that would go to strengthen the police, fire fighters, red cross and other organizations that actually do something for people.

I would look into the prison system, there actually are a lot of people who are in prison for petty crimes, these people cost the state a lot of money on food, guards public lawyers. So prisons would be for criminals not people who stole a few branches to use as firewood to at least cook their food.

I would reduce the VAT to as low as it can go, and raise the tax on the rich, let's face it why do you need ten or more million dollars to live on? So if you make over one million your taxes will go up exponentially.

Of course the government will have to be smaller, I think I can easily fire 75% of its workers and nothing happens, this would free billions, and with money that is not taken out of their pockets entrepreneurs can start their own businesses. of course we would have to assure investors their money will be safe.

Tough laws on arsonists who burn forests and savannas, and in general tough laws for all criminals, let them have huge prison times so they can think about what they have done, prisons with very little interactions among criminals, I think that would help, at the same time they should be given classes, most of these criminals have nothing to go back on, they can leave prison with a trade and with the ability to read, yes, many prisoners around here can't read.

Nationalize services like water, electricity, telephone service, this would be way better than what we have now, a consequence of neo liberal privatization deals. In reality these companies don't have to make a profit, they are services for the people, if they can just come out even or perhaps even lose a little, it would be much better than what we have now.

Look into free internet for everyone, the internet isn't going anywhere and a people who are not connected are in a poor position if you compare them with people who do.

Logically a huge increase in health and education budgets, privatization has also killed these two, we have people who have become millionaires selling education that is no good, let's face it some bilingual schools as history lessons give us US history, we actually don't need that.

Look into the profits made by the many churches in this country and tax accordingly, these people, pastors or whatever go around in bullet proof SUV's with bodyguards, have million dollar church buildings, which by the way belong to them, the idea of Jesus was if you want to propagate his word follow his path gather on corners and speak that will get you to heaven, not a state of the art church, that is plain stealing from the people. I say this because we are mostly a Christian country I guess other countries have the same problems with other religions.

A complete and definite crackdown on drug dealing, no more drugs going through this country, this one is dangerous because drug dealing is a many headed monster, I would have to build a number of prisons to accommodate all of these guys, luckily by impounding their wealth we could finance this.

Look into the benefits of adding electronic currency, better said crypto, to the economy, minimize the power of banks, credit card interest rates, and stop getting loans from international entities which currently have us barely living.

Improve the social security benefits, right now a person who retires gets about one fourth of the minimum wage, now if people can't live with the minimum wage, how can these elder people live with one quarter of it?

Since I would only have one day for this, it would be up to my successor to see these things work and tighten or loosen them according to how they are working, I think you should have given me a year, no more because then I would become a dictator, and I think there are other people with better ideas than mine who deserve a shot at improving the country.

You know I could have made this incredibly long, even now I can think of at least twenty other things I could do, but then who would read this article?


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