7/11/2020 Entry to the Steemit Diary Game - Dinner with my Grandfather for the last entry

in #the100daysofsteem4 years ago

Hello everyone! The first season of the diary game is coming to an end. After fifty days, I have had a lot of fun with these entries! Though I am also happy to finally have a little breathing room until season 2. I am very thankful to the diary game, and Steemit for giving me something to do this summer, and most importantly, giving me hope for this platform. The diary game is one of the greatest things I have seen in my four years on Steem, and I look forward to seeing how far Steemit can take it in season 2 (though I might not participate as much because I will be starting college). Anyway, let's get into my last day in the diary game:

My Life

I woke up at 10am yesterday. The first thing I did was practice the piano for about an hour. I was playing a tough piece for this week's service (it went well), and I wanted to practice it as much as possible. I did not wind up getting time to make a recording for this entry, but I may post a performance one of these days.

After practicing, I wrote out my diary entry. My days are not as interesting as they used to be, and writing about them has progressively been getting harder and harder. I could have been a little bit more energetic with these final entries, but a lot of them are the same day described slightly differently :)

By noon, I'd finished, and I read through some Steem Greet articles. I have gotten a bit behind, and need to take some time to get caught up. I also have to consider how I am going to continue. I don't know whether I want to keep running my portion of the achievement system or not considering that I am starting college in a month.

After reading through those articles, I practiced the piano for another hour. At this point, I was really killing time.

At 3pm, my parents and I left for my grandfather's house. He is 87, and we haven't seen him in at least 5 months due to covid. We decided to have dinner together for the first time yesterday.

We got to his house at 4:20pm, and drove to the restaurant. We ate outside under a rather large tent. I had fried steak, and broccoli. One fun story is that I looked back at my chair towards the end of our dinner, and realized that I was about a quarter of an inch away from falling over the ledge we were sitting on. That would have been bad. Imagine if I missed the last diary entry because I cracked my head open by being a bone head.


Any way, after dinner we drove back to my grandfather's house and talked. I learned that a large reason why Americans still don't drink tea like they do in Europe is because of the boycotts that occurred after the Boston Tea Party. I found that highly interesting. I also saw my grandfather's dog:


Around 7:30pm, we left and went home. On the way home, I got a cool picture of the clouds:


When we got home, it was about 9pm. I drove to the gas station to buy gas so that I wouldn't have to wake up earlier today to drive to church. When I got home, it was about 9:30pm, and Emma and I talked until about 11pm. At that point, I tried to go to bed, but did not wind up falling asleep until roughly 1:30pm.

Thank you to everyone who has been reading these entries! I hope that my life has been entertaining, and I hope that you will consider participating in season 2 of the diary game!


Here is your vote for winning Music For Steem week 5

You really had a nice time there with your ganny. i love the picture of the clouds.
i'm happy you did not fall off, I would not be able to stand broken skull,lol.

Si hi to everyone,see you in season 2.

Thank you!

Thank you for taking part in The Diary Game on Steem.

Congratulations on completing your Season 1 diaries.

We hope you will be competing in Season 2 of The Diary Game that begins on August 1st.

Please follow @steemitblog for the latest updates.

The Steemit Team

Sorry here is the social media:





A very nice familiar day, @cmp2020
Beautiful photographs and a lovely dog.
I like your Diary Game

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