5/30/2020 Entry to the Steemit Diary Game - I sold Ethereum to buy Steem

in #the100daysofsteem4 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone! Welcome to my diary! Today was a busy day, so let's get into it!

Despite the fact that I went to bed at 1am, my day started off at 7am. I could not fall back asleep, so I watched YouTube videos for a bit. Around 8am, I got out of bed to go play minecraft, but I decided to first complete my housing application for Westminster Choir College. It took me about an hour to complete (because I actually read the stuff that you have to check off that you have read). One thing which I found disturbing was that the system matched me to several female students as potential roomates. Because I did not check off "Gender Inclusive Housing", I did not understand this, and it frustrated me at first (because I thought the three it gave me were the only options I had to choose). I later found a way to look at a larger list, and I sent someone who answered the questions similarly to me a message with a request to be roomates. The main difference between us is I chose liking rock a little bit in addition to country, and he chose Pop. He also selected a later bed time than me (but I accidentally selected an hour to early).

After completing that form, I played bed wars for a good while. While playing bed wars, I listened to Mozart's 20th Piano Concerto in d minor (which I included in yesterday's post). I am getting pretty decent at the game, but I still die a lot. Most of those deaths are my own fault. Perhaps one day I will upload a video of me playing it here so you know what a game is like.

At noon, I wanted to start working on Steem Saturday, but I got side tracked. I went downstairs, and my father and I discussed Steem. Our higher curation bots' rewards (with projected interest and other factors) made us realize that (if it continues at the current rate), we are making about 25 percent a year. Because of this, I decided to convert my Ethereum to Steem. While I like having a diverse portfolio, it is hard to beat gaining between 10 percent and 25 percent on an investment vs. just having it sit in an ether wallet. I got about 3,000 more Steem in my piggy bank account, and I delegated it to this account so that I can use it for Steem Greeting. I kept 150 Steem powered down to buy bid bots for the discussion posts ( I realized that there are still some to use). In addition, I think Steem is going to grow a lot in the future!


My amazing mother decided to make us brunch today, and I got to have pancakes for the first time in a long time (since we found lactose free pancakes). I also had an egg, and bacon. Brunch was incredibly good, but it did distract me from Steem Saturday.

After brunch, I realized that 2pm was closing in. I went upstairs and got ready for a call with my beautiful girlfriend. @esouthern3 and I talked at 2pm, and we played bed wars for about two hours, and won our last game (it was quite a fun game). For those of you who don't know the objective of bed wars, basically each team has an island with a resource generator. On that island is a shop to buy items, and a bed. When your team has their bed, they can respawn if killed. After the enemy team breaks the bed, you can no longer respawn. In this game, I managed to break 2/3 of the enemy teams' beds (teams usually build up an elaborate defense that you have to break through to get the bed). The third team was not leaving their base much, and they made it very challenging to get there to try to break the bed. The middle island has a special resource generator that cannot be accessed at the teams' islands. In this game, I decided that since the enemy team was not advancing, I would keep them confined to their base. I camped middle with a bow and arrows, and sniped them off if they tried to leave. The beautiful thing about bed wars is that all of the bridges are really easy to hit a target off because they are a block wide (usually). I have a lot of fun with a bow in situations like this. We waited for the game to break the beds automatically, and we got stacked using the resources at mid (while I kept them confined to their base). When their bed was destroyed, we picked them off one at a time, and won. After we played bed wars, she and I watched two episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Here is an example of a bed wars game (it is doubles: meaning 8 teams of two. The game I described was fours: meaning four teams of four):

At around 5pm, our call ended and I took a shower. After the shower, I started work on the Steem Saturday post. This post took me a bit because I had to go back and read through the posts from the week, and describe what happened this week on Steem. I finished around 8pm.

I also saw in today's post from Steemit that I am ranked number 2 currently. I am very thankful for the opportunity to post these entries, and I hope that this game furthers Steem.

At 8:30pm, my father and I drove to Apple Bees to pick up dinner. I had a hamburger with bacon, mayonnaise, and ketchup. The surprise came with the fact that they included a chocolate cake and ice cream dessert that we didn't order. Despite my lactose intolerance, I decided to eat it with medicine (since I don't have anything important tomorrow). Despite the medicine, I now feel really sick. I will say that it was worth it. Real ice cream tastes SO MUCH BETTER than lactose free ice cream. I am now going to go to bed, and pray that I wake up not sick. Good night!





Steem is really rising fast now....

Thank you for taking part in The Diary Game on Steem.

Great news on getting the 3K STEEM!

Keep following @steemitblog for the latest updates.

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