100 DAYS OF STEEM : Day 72 - The Diary Game - Update #4/ 13 de junio 2020


Happy day!

Today I want to join the 100 days of Steem: Day 72- the diary game June 13, 2020.

This day has been quite busy for me. Today I had to go out to the market to buy some food to stock our pantry. I also had to find the ingredients to make a chicken soup that we like so much.

The journey was not so easy, as I had to walk several kilometers to my destination and back, but it was worth it. The soup was tasty.

Then, I had to solve a rather delicate domestic situation, it was a misunderstanding with a package that arrived incomplete to its owner.

I received the package as a favor to a great friend. She went to look for it and when she checked it she noticed that something was missing. My friend claimed this and the man who brought the package said that I was responsible.

Fortunately, I have my friend's unconditional support and she told him I wouldn't be able to do that. Unfortunately, we were not able to recover the lost object, but we did keep faith with our friendship.

After that tense moment, we had a cup of coffee and everything went well.

Today my partner also came, he works as security at a school. He has to take on both shifts: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday he works from 6:00pm to 6:00am and on Thursday and Friday 6:am to 6:00pm. Those moments are always for laughs, to tell us how we did and if possible to watch a movie together.

Today we made dinner together and ate together. We had a great time. So it wasn't all bad after all.

Thanks for coming by and reading!

the central image was created by me in powerpoint


Lo más importante es mantener la amistad por encima de los malentendidos.

Thank you for taking part in The Diary Game on Steem.

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