I take 323 followers seriously.

in #the6 years ago

Notice I did not say, my followers. Jesus said, you go to the ends of the earth to make one proselyte; and he becomes more a son of hell than yourself. Scary. Penultimate.

Who's proselytizing? Even though we're all commanded to make disciples. Even though evangelism is a way of life for everyone. Mormons take it seriously; so do Jehovah's witnesses, whether we like their spin or not.

I believe you can put your signature on how you convert. Mine has only text. Take it or leave it. 323 people took it. Thanks. No pictures, no advertising.

What am I bringing you too? Heaven. If there's a chance for me to go to heaven, I want you too also. I always said, since 2010 there's things about Chinese massage...if I knew then what I know now, I never would have seen the inside of a strip club. That's your takeaway for this article, Chinese massage beats masturbation, pornography and strip clubs hands down. What takes place after Chinese massage? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

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