The Longevity Activation Code Book

in #the7 years ago

Some home remedies you could try in the privacy and comfort of your The Longevity Activation Code own home are available and can be quite effective for some people. One home remedy you could use is baking soda. Simply apply some baking soda to your armpits; it works by killing bacteria and absorbing your sweat. Instead of using deodorant try wiping your underarms with a vinegar or alcohol.

BANANA (g. Musa, especially M. paradisiaca). Bananas are universally considered to be good for all ages. It seems that all parts of the banana family are useful for maintaining/recovering health. The fruit itself is easily digested, good for general health, and remedial for stomach troubles of various sorts. Being rich in potassium (each banana supplies about 11% of the DV), the banana lowers high blood pressure, and protects against related conditions, specifically heart attacks and stroke.

Bananas should replace anti-acids in the domestic medicine cabinet, as eating bananas is an effective way to quench the flames of heartburn and severe indigestion. Many other conditions respond well to banana therapy. These conditions include diabetes, stones (calcification) in the kidneys and urinary bladder, both serious underweight and overweight (the latter using juice derived from the stem of the banana tree, one glass on rising every day for six months), constipation, both diarrhoea and worm problems in babies, anaemia, nervous disorders including depression, SAD, damage caused by smoking, stress, body temperature imbalance, warts, ulcers and even hangovers. Scientists suspect that bananas guard against stomach damage (ulcers, in particular) in two ways. First, a chemical (protease inhibitor) in bananas appears to kill off harmful ulcer-causing bacteria (helicobactor) before they do damage. Second, bananas are seen to stimulate the production of a protective mucous, creating a layer that prevents harsh acids from coming into contact with the tender stomach lining.

Ripe banana is known to cure typhoid. Mash 1 ripe Banana and add 1 teaspoon of Honey in it. Take the mixture twice daily for 2 months. The fever and weakness due to Typhoid is resolved in a month.

Topically, mashed bananas and banana stem juice (applied as a topical paste) soothe mosquito and other insect bites. The banana root has anthelmintic value (it fights parasitic worms), and has been reported as useful in ameliorating bronchitis and reducing bronchoceles.

Lancet has reported instances of modern successful use of banana-family products against snakebite in Colombo, following a most dramatic episode a few generations ago, in Serampore, when a servant of the Principal of the Government Weaving College was bitten by a venomous snake. In addition to encouraging the wound to bleed, the Principal, extracting some juice from a plantain tree, gave the patient about a cupful to drink. After drinking it, the man seemed to recover a bit, and the wound was washed. Then the patient was encouraged to walk back and forth. In the morning, the man was declared cured. (This note was condensed from a report in Lancet)

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