Can France rebuild Notre Dame in five years

in #the5 years ago

Paris Notre Dame by fire robbery caused the world to feel sad, the minaret collapsed into ashes, most of the church roof burned down, unfortunately, the lucky, the main structure is intact, the minaret on the copper rooster has been found, and, double bell tower is still alive, large rose window is intact, Jesus crown and other treasures. France has sought designs for minarets from architects around the world. French President Emmanuel macron has vowed to restore Notre Dame in five years, living up to world expectations. But macron has faced criticism that his desire to be quick risks losing Notre Dame's original look.

Does France have the manpower, material, legal and technical resources to respond to the President's ambition to rebuild Notre Dame? This is a huge construction site that has never been tried before.

What can I do in five years?

"It can be done in five years, but the right choice of technology has to be made," says architect jean-michel wilmont. In his view, the choice made by the President absolutely calls for the use of synthetic materials.
Just as France is building a tower in la defense out of steel and concrete, says Benjamin mudon, who was the architect of Notre Dame until 2013, so the multinational group can build it in the fastest time.

Federick ledouf, co-chairman of the French historic building restoration conglomerate, has previously said that restoring Notre Dame would take 10 to 15 years. But after macron's televised address to the nation on Tuesday, he argued that five years was too short, meaning the real work time would be only three to four years, because there would have to be months to clean up the accident site and restore safety, and then another six to seven months to make a diagnosis, even at the cost of significant human effort.

Regardless of the material used, lerdorf believes that some time lengths are incompressible, especially if the drying process takes at least several months. A giant "umbrella" was then placed to protect the site from bad weather. In his opinion, wooden beams should not be placed on it without securing a strong structure.

Whether it will take a long time to restore the original state
According to francois aslin, President of the federation of small and medium-sized enterprises and an expert in carpenter restoration, it is possible to build a complete replica with today's artificial and technological methods. And Andrew talon, an American professor of art history who specializes in gothic architecture, has used laser scanning technology to scan every nook and corner of Notre Dame to create highly accurate three-dimensional models of the cathedral.

But wilhelmont says we can build a stadium in two years, but with traditional restoration techniques, it will take longer than five years. He advocated replacing the wooden roof structure of the minarets and the lead dust covering them with metal and methane. "These materials will never burn."

"The restoration of Notre Dame is also an iconic building for carpenters," he said. The choice between traditional craft and modern means must be made. Modern materials have one obvious advantage: they are lightweight, and the wooden roof structure is rarely seen.

France does not have sufficient artificial and material means to complete this giant project
The first big problem with rebuilding Notre Dame may be the lack of masons, carpenters and roofers. Jean-claude berangi, President of the French craftsmen's guild, reckons that at least 100 stonemasons, 150 carpenters and 200 roofers should be recruited. There is a shortage of apprentices in our industry, Mr Ledouf believes, but he believes there will definitely be a mobilisation of skilled craftsmen. As for materials, he said, "France has enough wood, stone, copper, lead, zinc."

Groupama, the French insurer that owns Normandy forest, said it would provide 1,300 oak trees for the wooden roof structure needed to restore the minaret.

How much will it cost to rebuild Notre Dame

Jean-jacques ajagon, a former French culture minister and former director of the palace of Versailles, put forward figures of 600 million to 1 billion euros. Donations reached 850 million euros Wednesday afternoon, despite criticism from the far left that big business and business owners are taking advantage of the donations to sell propaganda.

Mr Ledouf stresses that the cost of the project is no longer a problem. The only problem is the constraints of deadlines. He was referring to "building rights," a set of statutory rules. "French administrative procedures cumbersome, the state must take corresponding measures to speed up the repair process."
After a meeting convened by the French government to rebuild Notre Dame, prime minister philippe philippe on Wednesday announced a series of measures to fulfill the President's ambition. Introduce a national fundraising bill to parliament. In addition, general jean-louis georgling, the 70-year-old former chief of staff of the armed forces, was designated by the government as "the rebuilding of Notre Dame" two and a half years after his retirement.

The President's ambitions coincide with the timing of France's hosting of the 2024 summer Olympics in Paris, and a serious countdown challenge begins.

Hugo or duke

Mr. Macron's five-year ambitions have also faced criticism from an unnamed French architect who accused him of playing a game of time and the President of hubris. For Denny dessus, the President of the building society, it was a mistake for a monument of a thousand years to make quick restoration a principle. Some architects have analyzed that the five year deadline, two years need to remove and carry the ruins, diagnosis, selection of enterprises, preparation for construction and so on, the time spent on the construction site is only three years left. Unless you give up the old but beautiful wood construction techniques.
DE schutter argues that the chief architect of historic objects must first decide whether we will restore it in the style described by Victor Hugo, or in the post-gothic style of viol le duc, or we must imagine a 21st-century cathedral. In any case, he admits, it is not possible, and not likely, to restore an identical Notre Dame, and digital technology could make it even better, by making the new attic wooden beams lighter and more compatible with the existing ones. He thinks the most important thing is the right proportion.

Morar, another architect, agrees that five years is too short for a timber building unless it is made of other materials. Metal, cement, etc. It took 1,300 oaks and a long time to dry, to rebuild the identical spire, said architect pensott. He thinks people are getting a little overheated and don't know what they're talking about. But as he spoke, a French insurer that owns the Normandy forests had offered 1,300 oak trees.

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