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RE: Pretty much to everyone...

in #the8 years ago

The blockchain has standards, sorry you didn't make the cut. Plenty of people do just fine here, it's just a tiny handful like you that get drummed out.

"People like me take shots and keep going never giving up."

But you are giving up, aren't you?

"I have said some awful things, and some untrue things just to get a rise out of many."

Ok you admit to being a dick, and to lying to people, on purpose. And you have the gall to claim moral high ground.

"You took my steem, my monetary values, my written poems, and my posted pictures."

Nope, none of this is true. No one can take Steem you have already earned, all your poems and pictures still can be found on the block chain. Even the ones you've tried to delete yourself, but you probably don't understand that, because you don't understand how the blockchain works, you don't understand how crypto currency works, you don't understand that Poloniex is just an exchange, you don't understand the basics on how to conduct yourself in a social environment.

"If you aren't a popular kid, you simply have no place and aren't allowed to speak there."

Nope! This isn't true either, I'm not the least bit popular, I'm just some geek with a scrap of brains and social skills and that is sufficient for me. Sure I've invested a chunk of money here, but how did I earn that money hmm? Not by being an idiot.

Anyway crypto-currencies and blockchains are a next step in human evolution, which means people need to up their game. You can't be a complete moron and troll and expect to do well here. You have to have at least some redeeming feature about yourself.


Look at that childish temper tantrum you just had. I must have really struck a nerve. I notice you didn't actually refute anything I said.

I don't debate with trash that thinks others are trash. Go fuck yourself just because you think you can judge and throw opinions repeatedly. You own nothing fuck boy. You have no room in life or space to keep opening your mouth. You just think you do. That was me virtually spitting in your face. lol. I can because you can, smart guy. You strike your own nerves retard every time you open that want to be smart boy mouth. While you think you're genius, you're serious life trash to me. :P

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