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RE: A Raw, Soulful Open-Letter To The Steemit Hacker: (Heartfelt Reflections From The Forced Break In My Steemit Addiction)

in #the-hack8 years ago

Wow man awesome post, for a second there I thought you were gonna go SAW on this guy but you chose an interesting angle, by thanking him. Now that I think about it you are 1000% correct. Had the stakes been higher like you mentioned who knows what the real damage would've been like. Whoever he is I think he's been watching a little too much Mr. Robot. Good luck to you. I need to check out your blog, this was a long one but kept me glued to my screen the entire time. Great stuff!


lol... had me laughing at "I thought you were gonna go SAW on this guy..."

thanks for the feedback, 'tis much appreciated :-)

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