That Moment By One Direction Perfume. second edition.

in #that-moment23 years ago

I'm gonna well it's a flower it's a flower so the next is violet em peony so the middle is like quite a strong collection of florals which all have


like summer vibe to them and this also adds to their strong overall vibe of the scent it is a strong like not sweet and it's well it's sort of a mix of like swamp floral sweet so the base notes

are truly creamy musk and cedar wood so the base is very woodsy musky but blends well with the florals in the middle of the fragrance so overall this fragrance is a very strong summery floral scent

and with a sweet light cucumber and apple opening and a woodsy ending so it also has like split decisions from the reviewers some people have said it smells like and they say it smells

like hairspray well over others have said it's their new favorite scent so this has actually been requested a lot by you Directioners so i hope i've done and a good review for you so few

Directioners who love the One Direction fragrances if you want to see my other review checkout in my blog you will find more, that so on my board of many

fragrances my high tech board of many fragrances here is that moment by one direction so I gave the Box a 7 the bottle a 7 and the fragrance is 7.5

it is a really nice fragrance I gave it these skulls because it's like an everyday one it's not a massive special occasion one it's just really nice to

have all day especially for like spring summer scents so the main thing that might sit down really was that when I've been wearing it quite a few of my friends have said like it's quite

strong yes I'd love to wear it a lot before you go out it's like you have to spray it on straightaway because it is quite strong but then also with the

whole marketing side of it with the box in the bottle it's it's just quite a normal bus it bucks and bottle you know it's not massively standoffish

it's a very pretty pink box and pretty pink bottle so that's the reason I love it like that so that's it so thanks for reading.


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